Bible Preschool Crafts
- Make the Bible come alive for image by pearlguy from
Making Biblical crafts with children helps teach them the Biblical stories and values in a concrete way that they can easily remember. Younger children may require a little more assistance with some steps in the projects, but it's important that they are actively involved in the creative process if they are to benefit from the activity. - Paste a Popsicle stick to the bottom of a cutout shape of a person. Decorate one side to represent Esau (use red felt for his hair, draw on eyes with an angry expression, and attach a blunt sword to one hand). Decorate the other side of the cutout to represent Jacob. Draw him with a smiling face and with happy eyes, and draw the pages of a book on his side of Esau's sword. For details on the Biblical stories of Jacob and Esau, see Genesis 25.
- Make a cardboard cutout of a baby and decorate it felt clothes. Make a small ark out of clay and place baby Moses inside. Use a piece of blue construction paper and decorate it with glitter to look like the Nile River. Cut green construction paper to represent reeds. You can include a cardboard cutout for Miriam in the reeds. Glue the boat on top of the blue paper. For references to baby Moses in the Nile, see Exodus 2.
- Cut out a bush shape from green tissue paper. Cut red, orange, yellow, and/or blue tissue paper into strips for flames. Paste the green tissue paper bush to a piece of construction paper (any color will do). Paste the flame strips on top of the bush. From a different piece of construction paper, cut out the shape of a man to resemble Moses. Using felt, construction paper, or any other material desired, cut out clothes for Moses and paste over top of your Moses figure. Paste Moses to the construction paper with the burning bush. See Exodus 3 for the story of Moses and the burning bush.
Jacob and Esau Doll
Baby Moses in the Nile
The Burning Bush