The Blah Spot
Are you feeling a little lost?Maybe a bit groundless?Not that place of utter despair, depression and crisis...
we know, we've been there too.
Today is not that day.
It's more of a 'take-one-step in one direction' and then change directions and change again, and again.
And today, you're at least conscious enough of it to stop, with the intention to "gather yourself".
So you sit there, and think and think or journal even, but no "gathering" is going on.
What IS going on is...
the looming of about 40 different things you could be doing, should be doing and need to do...
from housework, to office organization, to answering emails and clearing voicemails, not to mention all of the work projects that need your attention, AND you need to fit in a work out, since you've justified taking the past 2 days off, and, of course, rent is due tomorrow and you've thought about getting the check in the mail all week, but that's as far as that's gone.
What I've described above is what I call...
The Blah Spot! And let me promise you, The Blah Spot comes bearing gifts if you let it.
IF you take The Blah Spot as information vs.
being a victim of it, you'll find this information The Blah Spot has to offer you is quite valuable.
If you're in The Blah Spot, chances are you are doing the same things you've been doing for a while now, and somehow hoping for a new result.
We all know this is the definition of insanity! I remember a time a few years ago, I was in the almighty Blah Spot, and I just kept trying to push things forward with work and with life.
But nothing was happening, except, for me, the "fog" was getting thicker and I was moving slower and slower.
I started a bit of a brainstorming session with my boyfriend about work goals...
yada yada, and then he just said to me, "You need to create something totally new.
Why don't you make a new product?"I made excuses and procrastinated, said I would, and even shared some ideas I had about it.
But my biggest excuse was, "I'll do it when my other products sell out.
"Well, that went over like a ton of bricks!And thank GOD I'm with the King of a man that I'm with, because, he then said to me, "Why don't you throw out all of your inventory, then you'll have to come up with something new...
" Whew!Well, that's exactly what I did.
We both went over to the wall unit where I stored the hundreds of beautifully packaged CDs Iprofessionally recorded and started dumping them ALL into garbage bags.
I whimpered a bit...
thinking, "But I could sell these at...
"Lord knows where!Mainly, I realized, I too, was just holding on to the old energy of the entire project, and it kept me from creating new.
See, The Blah Spot doesn't enter into new spaces, ONLY into stuck spaces.
So take a breather.
Know that it's time to make a change and that's the good news.
Here's a few ways to help you make some significant changes this week: 1.
Is what you're doing right now totally exciting to you?I'm talkingSt.
Tropez exciting...
are you as thrilled to be doing what you're doing as you would be if you were boarding a 1st class trip to the South of France.
Because, if you're not loving what you're doing, you will only create from The Blah Spot and get more of it.
You must be excited about your life.
Evaluate and brainstorm what would excite you.
Your mind and imagination can be your best friends...
use them to envision an exciting career, project and relationship dynamic.
Get a fresh perspective.
This is why mastermind groups are so powerful, because you get other motivated individuals with a new perspective offering you fresh ideas.
Read a new book.
One of the greatest habits I have, is starting my day by reading one new chapter of a new book, then I journal.
I used to do it the other way around and found all I would do is journal on yesterday's recycled thoughts.
Reading a new book in the morning fills me with new and uplifting ideas to start my day off great! 5.
Go for what you REALLY want.
Most people get stuck because they think they can't have/do/be exactly what they want.
Are you living the way you want to or the way you think you should live? 6.
Pick 3 specific changes you will make this week!I recommend that you pick one easy change, one dramatic change and something in between.
So have fun with your life!And remember, The Blah Spot is JUST information that it's time for you to have more of what you desire in life.
© 2007 Gina Ratliffe
we know, we've been there too.
Today is not that day.
It's more of a 'take-one-step in one direction' and then change directions and change again, and again.
And today, you're at least conscious enough of it to stop, with the intention to "gather yourself".
So you sit there, and think and think or journal even, but no "gathering" is going on.
What IS going on is...
the looming of about 40 different things you could be doing, should be doing and need to do...
from housework, to office organization, to answering emails and clearing voicemails, not to mention all of the work projects that need your attention, AND you need to fit in a work out, since you've justified taking the past 2 days off, and, of course, rent is due tomorrow and you've thought about getting the check in the mail all week, but that's as far as that's gone.
What I've described above is what I call...
The Blah Spot! And let me promise you, The Blah Spot comes bearing gifts if you let it.
IF you take The Blah Spot as information vs.
being a victim of it, you'll find this information The Blah Spot has to offer you is quite valuable.
If you're in The Blah Spot, chances are you are doing the same things you've been doing for a while now, and somehow hoping for a new result.
We all know this is the definition of insanity! I remember a time a few years ago, I was in the almighty Blah Spot, and I just kept trying to push things forward with work and with life.
But nothing was happening, except, for me, the "fog" was getting thicker and I was moving slower and slower.
I started a bit of a brainstorming session with my boyfriend about work goals...
yada yada, and then he just said to me, "You need to create something totally new.
Why don't you make a new product?"I made excuses and procrastinated, said I would, and even shared some ideas I had about it.
But my biggest excuse was, "I'll do it when my other products sell out.
"Well, that went over like a ton of bricks!And thank GOD I'm with the King of a man that I'm with, because, he then said to me, "Why don't you throw out all of your inventory, then you'll have to come up with something new...
" Whew!Well, that's exactly what I did.
We both went over to the wall unit where I stored the hundreds of beautifully packaged CDs Iprofessionally recorded and started dumping them ALL into garbage bags.
I whimpered a bit...
thinking, "But I could sell these at...
"Lord knows where!Mainly, I realized, I too, was just holding on to the old energy of the entire project, and it kept me from creating new.
See, The Blah Spot doesn't enter into new spaces, ONLY into stuck spaces.
So take a breather.
Know that it's time to make a change and that's the good news.
Here's a few ways to help you make some significant changes this week: 1.
Is what you're doing right now totally exciting to you?I'm talkingSt.
Tropez exciting...
are you as thrilled to be doing what you're doing as you would be if you were boarding a 1st class trip to the South of France.
Because, if you're not loving what you're doing, you will only create from The Blah Spot and get more of it.
You must be excited about your life.
Evaluate and brainstorm what would excite you.
Your mind and imagination can be your best friends...
use them to envision an exciting career, project and relationship dynamic.
Get a fresh perspective.
This is why mastermind groups are so powerful, because you get other motivated individuals with a new perspective offering you fresh ideas.
Read a new book.
One of the greatest habits I have, is starting my day by reading one new chapter of a new book, then I journal.
I used to do it the other way around and found all I would do is journal on yesterday's recycled thoughts.
Reading a new book in the morning fills me with new and uplifting ideas to start my day off great! 5.
Go for what you REALLY want.
Most people get stuck because they think they can't have/do/be exactly what they want.
Are you living the way you want to or the way you think you should live? 6.
Pick 3 specific changes you will make this week!I recommend that you pick one easy change, one dramatic change and something in between.
So have fun with your life!And remember, The Blah Spot is JUST information that it's time for you to have more of what you desire in life.
© 2007 Gina Ratliffe