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How Does Your Business Grow?

In our business if we are not continually growing and learning we're slowly dying. Unless we grow, learn, change and act, the world will pass us by. The same is true when it comes to marketing our business. Since marketing is the life- force of our business, we must be consistent and continuous with marketing.

Tip #1 Find Out Your Prospect's Deepest Pain

Remember a time when you couldn't sleep for worrying about something? Do you know what keeps your prospects and clients awake at night? Find out and target your solutions around these concerns.

I recently talked to a prospect who owned a high-end dessert bakery and was ready to sell her business the end of her first year. At first, selling seemed like a good deal to her. When I really explored WHY she was considering selling, here is what I discovered.

I have worked so hard this first year and I don't have much to show for it. As we talked more, I began uncovering her deepest frustrations. In actuality, she had set a very good foundation for her first year in business.

I pointed out that 80% of all businesses fail before their first year anniversary. What she was lacking was an expanded marketing plan to double her business in year two with less effort. This plan got her excited, as she realized her expanded growth could be 75-100% profit.

Action 1: List the top 3 pains your clients face and create 3 solutions around each.

Tip #2 Create Multiple Streams of Marketing in Your Business

Way too often, when I ask new participants coming into my Business Blueprint Bootcamp how many consistent streams of marketing they have, the answer ranges from zero to one or two. There is a danger in putting all your eggs in one basket.

For your business to expand geometrically, it is important to continue creating new multiple streams of marketing. After 9-11, the speaking and training industry turned on its head and changed forever. Many authors, trainers and speakers went out of business in a few short months as they had put all their eggs in one or two baskets.

With my high-end bakery client we are creating email campaigns focused around Holiday Themes each month with photos of creative cakes, parties and entertaining ideas wrapped around her fantastic desserts.

Action 2: Make a plan this month to come up with 3 new streams of marketing, and begin implementing the first one.

Tip #3: To Grow Your Business, You Must Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Many prospects come to me focused on wanting to grow their business, not realizing the next important step is to expand their comfort zone by developing themselves more.

You can't get to second base with your foot on first. To double your business, you must also expand your mindset about possibilities. Right this minute do you feel capable of doubling your business and doubling your free time this year?

If you answered no, then what is required first is for you to believe this is possible combined with creating a better strategic plan. You will see it when you believe it and act from this new place.

Imagine, if you had the belief, the focus, and the right strategic plan -- what would be possible this year in your business?

Action 3: Expand your belief, shift your focus and get the right strategic plan to grow your business.

A Year From Now You Might Wish You Had Started Today!
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