Twitter Me This - Are You Harnessing the Power of the Tweet?
Twitter exploded lately.
Have you seen that? It's over the last year-and-a-half that Twitter really took its jump, (I don't think I'm making this up, either) going from under 20 million to over 50 million users in that short time.
And here's the bad part: it wasn't until about 2 months ago that I even signed up for my free account.
Now get this...
As of 1 week ago, I wasn't an active Tweeter (or whatever they're called).
But, after I kept hearing about Twitter in pretty much every place I look, I decided to give it a go.
The results shocked me, listen to this: In the last 1 week, I DOUBLED my Twitter follower count, started 30+ valuable relationships, and added over 20 leads to my list (it doesn't matter if you have a list or not, this will help you grow one!).
This is all from networking on Twitter for about 1-2 hours/day, for the last week.
So where am I going with this? I'm illustrating the fact that these are REAL results after only a week.
How many times have you given up after a week of doing something because it didn't seem like it was going anywhere? I have many times, and this is one method that you can put to work immediately and see results fast! And the best part is, the more you do this, the more the work will snowball and build up.
There's more to it than that, though.
If you don't see results in the first 2 weeks, you tend to either hesitate, prolong, or stop entirely.
I'm sure there are studies to prove that, and if not, then I'll volunteer myself as a case example.
But when you put in the time to make something happen...
then it DOES happen...
it's incredible! The underlying element here is the motivation it provides, seeing results come from hard work.
But let's be honest: it's NOT hard to tweet! Twitter is so easy to use and such a valuable place for communication that you really don't have a reason not to be using it to grow your business.
Just put the time into it and remember: be social!
Twitter exploded lately.
Have you seen that? It's over the last year-and-a-half that Twitter really took its jump, (I don't think I'm making this up, either) going from under 20 million to over 50 million users in that short time.
And here's the bad part: it wasn't until about 2 months ago that I even signed up for my free account.
Now get this...
As of 1 week ago, I wasn't an active Tweeter (or whatever they're called).
But, after I kept hearing about Twitter in pretty much every place I look, I decided to give it a go.
The results shocked me, listen to this: In the last 1 week, I DOUBLED my Twitter follower count, started 30+ valuable relationships, and added over 20 leads to my list (it doesn't matter if you have a list or not, this will help you grow one!).
This is all from networking on Twitter for about 1-2 hours/day, for the last week.
So where am I going with this? I'm illustrating the fact that these are REAL results after only a week.
How many times have you given up after a week of doing something because it didn't seem like it was going anywhere? I have many times, and this is one method that you can put to work immediately and see results fast! And the best part is, the more you do this, the more the work will snowball and build up.
There's more to it than that, though.
If you don't see results in the first 2 weeks, you tend to either hesitate, prolong, or stop entirely.
I'm sure there are studies to prove that, and if not, then I'll volunteer myself as a case example.
But when you put in the time to make something happen...
then it DOES happen...
it's incredible! The underlying element here is the motivation it provides, seeing results come from hard work.
But let's be honest: it's NOT hard to tweet! Twitter is so easy to use and such a valuable place for communication that you really don't have a reason not to be using it to grow your business.
Just put the time into it and remember: be social!