Semana Santa 2014
Semana Santa is what they call Easter in Spain. It means 'Holy Week'. As the name suggests, Semana Santa in Spain is longer than our Easter. In fact, it goes on for longer than a week. On this page you will see the exact dates for Semana Santa 2014. Scroll down the page for hotel booking and other travel planning advice for Semana Santa 2014.
Read more about
Read more about
- Semana Santa in Spain
Semana Santa 2014 Dates
- Viernes de Dolores April 11, 2014
- Sábado de Pasión April 12, 2014
- Domingo de Ramos April 13, 2014
- Lunes Santo April 14, 2014
- Martes Santo April 15, 2014
- Miércoles Santo April 16, 2014
- Jueves Santo April 17, 2014
- Viernes Santo April 18, 2014
- Sabado de Gloria April 19, 2014
- Domingo de la Resurrección April 20, 2014. The same day as the English Easter Sunday. The most important day in Semana Santa 2014.
Two weeks after Semana Santa comes the Feria de Abril in Seville. Check the exact Feria de Abril 2014 dates.
Semana Santa 2014 Hotels
You can book hotels for Semana Santa 2014 from Venere up to 12 months in advance. The excellent thing about Venere (apart from their very clean and easy to use website) is that bookings can be canceled or changed for free.- Seville Hotels for Semana Santa 2014
- Salamanca Hotels for Semana Santa 2014
- Malaga Hotels for Semana Santa 2014
- Toledo Hotels for Semana Santa 2014
- Leon Hotels for Semana Santa 2014
Semana Santa 2014 Flights
You can book your flights for Semana Santa 2014 with Kayak up to one year in advance: Book Flights to Spain with KayakSemana Santa 2014 Further Information
If you're not sure what to expect for Semana Santa 2014, check out these pages: