How to Transfer Movable Type to WordPress
- 1). Export your Movable Type blog. Log in to Movable Type and click the "System Overview" tab. Click "Export," then click "Export Blog." Browse your hard drive for an easy-to-remember location for the file, then click "Save" to save it to your hard drive.
- 2). Log in to WordPress and install the "WordPress Importer" plugin on your blog if you haven't done so yet. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and maximize the "Tools" tab, then click "Import." Click "Movable Type," then click "Install" if a prompt to install the "WordPress Importer" pops up, then click "Activate and Go to Plugin" to begin using it.
- 3). Click "Choose File" to browse your computer's hard drive for the file you downloaded from Movable Type, then click "Open." Click "Upload File and Import" to upload the file onto your WordPress blog.