How to Make Lines Not Look Cartoony in Illustrator
- 1). Click the tool palette icon shaped like a paintbrush to run the Paintbrush tool.
- 2). Drag on the canvas to draw any curvy line. The color, thickness and shape you've drawn are all common to cartoon drawing. You will compare other curves with this curve to evaluate how cartoon-like the other curves are.
- 3). Draw another curve similar to the one you just drew.
- 4). Click inside the "Stroke" text box above the canvas.
- 5). Type a "0" to indicate you want the line to have zero thickness. The line will become nearly invisible to reflect the change in thickness. This indicates one way to make lines less cartoon-like.
- 1). Click the "File" menu.
- 2). Click the "New" command to display the dialog box for creating a new canvas to draw on, and then click "OK" to create the canvas.
- 3). Click the tool palette icon shaped like a straight line segment to run the Line tool.
- 4). Click any point on the canvas to draw the starting point of a straight line.
- 5). Drag the mouse to any new canvas location.
- 6). Click the mouse again to complete the line. The line is straight, rather than curved as most cartoon lines are. Use straight lines to make lines less cartoon-like.
- 1). Click the paintbrush icon from the tool palette to enter painting mode, and then drag on the canvas to draw a stroke whose cartoon-like qualities you can compare to your next lines.
- 2). Press "V" to enter selection mode, and then click the paintbrush icon again to re-enter painting mode. This enables you to create new brush strokes separate from the previous one.
- 3). Click the "Brush" control above the canvas to display a gallery of brush shapes. Click a shape you find unusual and that doesn't look cartoonish.
- 4). Drag on the canvas to draw another mark. Observe how unlike a cartoon the new mark is. Select different brush shapes to prevent your drawings from looking cartoonish.
- 5). Click the "Style" control above the canvas, and then click a non-cartoonish brush style from the gallery that appears. Draw another mark, noticing that it does not appear cartoonish. Selecting unusual styles from the Styles menu offer another way of producing non-cartoonish marks.
Stroke Weight
Draw Straight Lines
Change Brush and Style