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Anti-God Paganism

By: Dr. P.R. Palodhi

Prophet Jesus reminded us about the darkness of pagan polytheism, : "when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body is full of darkness."(Bible, Luke 11: 34)

As regard origin of religious doctrine present world's religions fall under two distinct categories: (I) Abrahamic and (II) non-Abrahamic. Abrahamic religions are essentially God-centric, and based upon what God Himself reveals to mankind by choosing Prophets in succession from older to newer orthodoxy. These orthodoxies (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) are growing on a global basis despite all chaos of materialistic propaganda. Non Abrahamic religions are not necessarily God-centric; here God is never found to address human Prophets; these religions arise from human volition i.e. likes and dislikes of respective founders. Without a nisus for the perennial truths of religion, scholars often fail to distinguish between the Prophetic and Pagan religions from miscellany of divaricated religious doctrines.

Prophetic Religions emanate from the ‘Word of God' – Here God Himself discloses Truth to His chosen Prophets – hence these are universally consistent Self-Revelations from the God where God's purpose of creation is implicit by the things which God has made. Thus Prophetic religions emanate from the self evident authority of God in the Scripture, which come down to us with the revealed name of God and the identities of His chosen Prophets. In our age, God restricted Prophetic tradition in Abrahamic religions of One Supreme Creator God: Yah-El, Ahura or Allah (in tongues of Hebrew, Persian, and Arab Prophets) - from where our present humanity has received what God hath spoken by the mouths of His holy Prophets since the world began.

Prophet-denying Religions (‘Pagan religions' or religion of false gods) proceed from what the respective founder wants to teach by ignoring the God's Message to humanity. Hence such religions have no authority from the God; different sages and gurus ascend by imposing their ‘self-will' in religion, different master teaches differently without any criteria or universal standard for religious guidance. And based upon their fancied theism, multifarious orthodoxies grow fat in world via manifold myths, mysticism and philosophical abstractions – which continue to aggravate the confusions about the God and His religion.

Paganism ascends by denying the Prophetic message that comes from God; here we find on one hand, polytheism since ancient past that includes: cults of innumerable local gods and demigods; animism, assuming presence of life to nature or natural object which affects human life for good or ill; fetishism, believing in power of magical fetishes; and idolatry that regards natural or artificially fashioned objects (idols) as more adequate ways to worship a cherished deity than believing in the words of God. And on the other hand, modern pantheism, deism and theosophy etc – are diverse human manoeuvres to defy obedience to God's religion. Pantheism effectuates this by teaching that one God is so supreme that He absorbs all others who are simply forms of His manifestation (for e.g. Brahma cult). Here deity is totality of things (God is all), and the totality of things is the deity (all is God). Thus when deity is all things then it can be worshiped in all things irrespective of the concern for ‘good' and ‘evil'. And deism believes in natural religion of human reason, while theosophy relies on mystical insight rather than God's Revelation. Thus deism and theosophy reject the ‘word of God' and rather choose scripture-less assertion of God. And their contradictions and inconsistencies become vividly exposed; Buddhism militates against the idea of personal God and His chosen Prophets; but we come across in ‘Lotus sutra', the self born Buddha claiming himself – the Father of the world; and ‘Dhammapada' saying – it is not often a man hears doctrine of truth, and a rare event is arising of Buddha. Buddhist and Brahminical theories like pantheistic evolution and reincarnation are very opposite of God's religion that points to reincarnation of religious essence and not of the person. And equation of female Shakti cults with God in fact corrupts Heaven's truth because male/female concept is only earth bound phenomenon related to a tiny section of God's creation, there is no female in heaven to give birth. Inventors of such fancied doctrines proceed with their claims of mystical or philosophical insights, and they explain God and religion without being chosen by the God (i.e. without license to enter into the realm of ‘God's sacred knowledge').

God has revealed: ‘As for disbelievers, whether thou warn them or thou warn them not it is   all one for them; they believe not. They think to beguile God and those who believe, and they beguile none save themselves; but they perceive not' (Qur'an, 2: 6-7); ‘God doth mock them, leaving them to wander blindly on their contumacy. These are they who purchase error at the price of guidance, so their commerce do not prosper, neither are   they guided. ‘Deaf, dumb and blind; they return not' (Qur'an, 2: 15-18); ‘Are the blind equal with those who see? Or the depths of darkness equal to Light?' (Qur'an, 13: 16)

‘None can dispute about the Signs of God but the Unbelievers. Let not, then their strutting about through the land deceive thee! But there were people before them, who denied the Signs, the people of Noah, and the confederates after them; and every people plotted against their Prophet, to seize  him, and disputed by means of vanities, therewith to obliterate the Truth: but it was I that seized them! (Qur'an, 40: 4-5)

Paganism is a religious darkness which continues to intensify in absence of God's Light. Followers often try to justify it as the ‘man's freedom of expression' – but such freedom of human fancies in fact aggravates the confusions in religion and alienates their followers from God. These ‘confusions' end up in ‘contradictions' – which are discontinuity between the ‘human concept' and the ‘reality'. Once the very ‘Idea of God' is placed upon wrong grounds – conceptual disorders run wild in the forms of vague myths, mysticism, philosophical abstractions and untoward teachings. Such drifted religions never lead to the path of God; instead enjoin them with the untoward Paganism of the pre-human Jinns. The Sumerians called their gods as din.gir; the Egyptians as akh; and the proto-Aryans as deva/daeva: all literally meaning ‘sharp ones' or ‘shining ones'. And their legacy is continuing in the modern versions of ‘Illuminati' who are always struggling to ‘invent' religious truths of their own fancies by denying God and His Message.  

Pagan aspirations achieve its goal by creating ‘mass ignorance about God' and ‘inequity' in society. Ancient Paganism orchestrated confusions about God by inventing pseudo-religious myths of false god-hoods and then ‘inequity' via hierarchies in social orders whereby they could reign supreme by beguiling the ignorant mass. Thus pagan rules turned to operate via sects; ancient society of Ur was divided into three classes: a. Amilu (priestly Sanga, like later Brahmins); b. Mishkinu (like Vaisyas of Hindus); and c. Ardus (like Sudras of Hindus). In modern times, ‘Illuminati genius' is no less active than their predecessors; hence we find they are relentlessly trying to dismiss the validity of ‘religious wisdom' from the scope of modern learning by calling off ‘God and Religion' as ‘irrational presupposition' or ‘the opium' for masses etc. In fact, it is they who always are in search of some ‘opium' for hoodwinking the masses from Divine Truth. Pagan genius is always solicitous of ‘self- willed ascendancy'; hence in all ages they have exalted either by denying God or by defiling God – and surely their intentions get exposed whenever they have tried to deliver something in religion right from ancient ‘idolatry', ‘polytheism', pantheism, etc down to modern ‘rationality' under pretexts of freedom of thinking' or mystical insight etc. And all their inventions are invariably parasitical – because they get-up-and-go after knowing ‘what to deny'.

Pagan religions are found to proceed without clear guidance about ‘right' and ‘wrong'  in religion, which especially baffle the concept of God and eschew the role of Satan or Devil in religion. Sir Charles Eliot 1 noticed the tendency to confuse ‘good' and ‘evil' is an innate characteristic of pantheism (a platform to rationalize pagan polytheism). Basic features of pagan polytheism – be it crude myths of Australian tribes, priestly mythologies of Egypt, Babylonia and India, liberating mythology of Greece and Rome, or the heroic mythology of Scandinavia – are primarily dependent on multifold cults of their own fancied idols, i.e. gods, demigods, priests, heroes and kings – often mystified via astral/natural phenomena or by equating them with the borrowed attributes of ‘Creator God' which every generation knew since the world began. These polytheistic modals have varied considerably from culture to culture, yet some common characteristics are clearly identifiable. Their denial of God takes affect via multifold deification of almost every aspect of the human affairs: celestial creations (sun, moon, and stars etc); the nature and natural events (land, mountain, sea, lightning, thunders, storm, earthquake, plants and animals etc); necessities (medicine, agriculture, husbandry, hunting, harvest, brewing, matrimony, childbirth, fertility, wealth and happiness etc); creative skills (music, arts and knowledge etc); wonders (astronomy, astrology, magic and witchcraft etc). In mythological texts, polytheistic notions of divinity are highly differentiated and structured – tracing the day to day lives of the paranormal gods and demigods. The scrupulous attention paid to genealogical lines of gods, god-lings and heroes all over the world stresses that mythical and legendary figures do not always come out of the blue, but often have distinguished blood line behind them. They marry and produce children; who have left extensive accounts of their own histories, including their family affairs, sexual partnerships, offspring, and battles they participated in. The gods of polytheism show conflicting self-wills with specific skills, needs and desires. Such gods are not omnipotent or omniscient; rather, most often they are found as similar to humans in their personality traits, failings and vices, but with additional supernatural powers and abilities. God allows pagan falsehoods to flourish and limits categorically the time of untoward members of creation; and God has granted disbelievers a period of freedom upon this earth by enduring their schemes against God.

With stolen knowledge of constellations from Jinn race the ancient pagans effectuated the denial of God especially via mythical falsehoods of astrology where binary opposites (male/female) marry (hieros gamos) — giving birth to multitudes of pagan divinities. Pagan religions subsist by inventing Myths (i.e. to forge lies upon the grounds of truth) of gods/goddesses which continue to multiply with different plot structures, contradictory characterizations, and proliferation of ambiguous meanings. Religious deceptions ensue basically from the myths of such false gods – who pretend themselves as equals of God; and in ancient pagan mythologies we often find them to appear as sons, daughters or consort etc of God. In this context God reveals in Qur'an: God neither begets   and nor was begotten (Q, 112:1-4; 51:56) – He only created various creatures.

‘I have only created Jinns and men, that they may serve (worship) Me.' (Q, 51: 56); ‘And the Jinn race, We created before, from the fire of a scorching wind' (Q, 15:27); ‘And Jinns did pry into the secrets of heaven, but found it filled with stern guards and flaming fires' (Q, 72: 8);‘If they (pagan Jinns) had only remained on the right Way, We should certainly have bestowed on them Rain in abundance; that We might try them by that means. But if any turns away from the remembrance of his Lord, He will cause him to undergo ever-growing Chastisement.' (Q, 72: 16-17); ‘Men worshipped the Jinns and most of them believed in them' (Q, 34: 41); ‘True, there were persons among humankind who took shelter with the persons among the Jinns. But they increased them in folly' (Q, 72: 6); ‘O you assembly of Jinns! Much toll did you take of men (Q, 6: 128)'; ‘Verily ye unbelievers, and the false gods that ye worship besides Allah, are but fuel for Hell! To it will ye surely come'! (Q, 21: 98) 

The races of Jinn are merely a part of God's creation before the humans. But Jinns used to steal secrets of heaven and utter extravagant lies about God (see: Surah Al Jinn in Qur'an). The Jinn tribes were banished from heaven, but their leader Satan ‘Iblis' challenged the ‘Will of God': "I will make wrong fair-seeming to them on the earth, and I will put them (i.e. mankind) all in the wrong — except Thy chosen servants among them"(Q, 15: 39-40). From such disobedient faction of the Jinn race humanity afterwards inherited the pagan ways of denying God.

Bible informed how the Satan once had access to heaven and was nearer to the God: One day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them. The LORD said to Satan, "Where have you come from?"  Satan answered the LORD: "From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it" (Job 1:6-7). Two Old Testament passages (Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:11-19) furnish a picture of Satan's original position and the reasons for his loss of that status. They tell of an exalted celestial being, one of God's creatures, who became too proud and ambitious to take the throne of God for himself. But God has cast him out of the heaven, and from his position of dignity and honour. As a result of his original status and authority, Satan had great power with various secrets of heaven. So great is his strength that the Archangel Michael viewed him as a foe to reckon (Jude 9). Satan delights in deception (1 Timothy 3:6-7; 2 Timothy 2:26). His lying nature stands in bold contrast to the truth for which Prophet stands (John 8:32, 44). His lies become apparent in practically all his temptations to man (Genesis 3:4-5). Satan is an expert deceiver in falsifying truth (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). He brings disorder into the physical world by afflicting human beings (Job 1-2; 2 Corinthians 12:7; Hebrews 2:14). God often allows him to afflict His people so that man can realize his mistakes (1 Timothy 1:20). Satan shall finally be brought down to Hell, to the sides of pit (Isa, 14:15).

Prophetic tradition in Islam (Hadith) further informs that Jinn types are manifold, they vary from extra-terrestrial to terrestrial; they were cast out of the heaven after their leader refused to obey the God's command. Here our concern is human-like Jinns (tribes of Iblis) about which we come to know when Qur'an reveals that God allowed tribes of Satan (Iblis) to share wealth and children with Adamites only for an appointed term (Q, 17: 62-64); and they marry, reproduce and die (Q, 18: 50; 39:30) – although a section of Jinns yet exist beyond our knowledge, and we are not yet capacitated to know the mysteries of theirs (Q, 7: 27).

God raised humans (Insaan) from the posterity of former people (Q, 6:133), and this is a process which involves blending of Jinns and Adamites encompassing various aspects of primordial ‘soul' and its receptacle ‘body'. Revealed scriptures inform that the two lines of anti-God throngs have originated after Satan seduced Adam and Eve in the Garden, and that these two descending heritages will be in a state of continuous war with each other until the Great Day of the Lord. From Bible we come to know what God says to Satan: ‘And I [Yahweh] will put enmity between thee (nachash) and the woman [Eve], and between thy seed and her seed; it [her   seed] shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his [her seed's] heel.' (Gen. 3:15). And this Message came again in Qur'an: ‘Get ye down, both of you, - all together, from the Garden, with enmity one to other; but if, as is sure, there comes to you guidance from Me, whosoever follows My Guidance, will not loose his way, nor fall into misery.' (Q, 20: 123)

Earthly and earthy mankind more unknowingly than knowingly, has been affected by the spells of a mysterious pre-human heritage (Jinns). In Greek mythologies they are found to be incurring god-hoods through the likes of ‘Promethean sources'! Prometheus in Greek mythology is a titan god who steals ‘fire' from heaven as a gift for man. By stealing heaven's secret they could promote arcane influence on man; and men used to worship Jinns mistaking them as some aspect or forms of the Creator God. But God had chosen not those pre-human false gods as the vicegerent of earth. Evidently God has been reducing bit by bit the number of their days on earth for their obdurate defiance to God's command. Since very beginning humanity has inherited the ‘religion of false gods'. Now as we go back to the humanity's root following Adam and his sons Cain, Abel and Seth – apparently Cain's side (carried on by Nimrod's Babylonians) was the first race of humans who succumbed to the ‘Paganism of Jinns' and gave rise to polytheism and idolatry in human civilization. And the Seth's side was carried on after Flood through Noah's son Shem; and ensuing Semitic traditions had maintained the Prophetic religion of God. Thus, human religious traditions have been evolving through two opposite currents: (I) Prophetic Tradition from the lineage of Semites that proceeds to guide humanity with the Message of God. (II) Pagan denial of God's Message which humans incurred from the Jinn race. Paganism initiated the cults of false god-hoods in religion and such confusions gave rise to a gamut of religiose fancies culminating in wayward mysticism, philosophical abstractions, God-less un-religion and irreligion of modern humanity.   

The Jinn race inhabited this earth from remote antiquity before arrival of humans after Adam; hence relics of Pagan religions are abundantly found all over the world in the archaeological investigations. While God restricted Prophetic tradition only within the Semitic lineage; hence trails of Prophetic religion are narrow and traceable after Semites could crack down the linguistic enigma of ancient generations and proceed to develop alphabetic language. The oldest known religious texts are Pyramid texts of Ancient Egypt that date to 2400-2300 BC. The Epic of Gilgamesh is also one of the earliest literary works dating to 2150-2000 BC, that tells Gilgamesh as two-third god and one-third man. The earliest form of the Phoenician alphabet found to date is the inscription on the sarcophagus of King Ahiram of Byblos (The Sumerian Temple Hymns). An authentic Vedic source claims that the Vedas were revealed 1310 millions of years ago (According to founder of Arya Samaj: Swami Dayananda), which rather point to its origin in the time of Jinns which lived on earth before the advent of humankind. All such apparent evidences hoodwinked those modern scholars who took it for granted that ‘Paganism predates the Prophetic religions'; what they failed to realize is that God had revealed His religion before to the Jinns as well (Q, 6:130); but they were adamant in corrupting the religion of God. To brake their high arms by turning into clay (Job, 38: 14-15), God made humans from Adam afterwards. Qur'an then goes to inform that: the pre-human races (Jinns) continued to live by interacting with humans. Now a section of the humans also succumbs to Paganism and devises plots against Prophets of God – but surely not with the high arms of those fiery Jinn race.

'O you assembly of Jinns! much toll did you take of men (Q, 6: 128)'


Bible narrated a detail history of human past where Semitic tradition (descending from Prophet Noah's son Shem) waged a continuous religious warfare with giants, strangers and aliens, as a result of which most of the aberrant races and most of their early pagan cultures are now eliminated from world at large. But from succours of older pagan races emerged out newer and modern pagan heritages, of which Aryans demand a special mention (some scholars posit that behind their origin there is role of ‘watcher Jinns' like Azazel and Semjaza who defied God). Revelations indicate that both pre-human (Jinns) and human pagan heritages continue to live in the present civilizations; and utter disbelief in ‘Last Day' and ‘Hereafter' has made them avidly desirous for the pomp of this worldly life alone. Constant rivalry between sectaries of the old (with hidden ancient treasures) and the new (with total hegemony on world's market and Govts.) is always there for gaining control of world supremacy. In spite of repeated warnings they do not obey the straight Path shown by the God. And a Third World War is not the impossibility! In this regard astrological predictions of pagan gods across the world demand attention which come from different traditions widely separated by time, place and language like: Maya (Dresden codex), Hindu god Krishna's prophecy to Ganga devi in ‘Brahma Vaivarta Puran', Native American's Cherokee Calender, the Pueblo Indians' legend of ‘Blue star Kachina' and ‘Fifth World prophecy' of the Hopi Indians etc. Interestingly all are equivocal about a catastrophic change of this planet and its inhabitants following the years 2011-2912. But it is God Who is finally the decider – and not their astrology pilfered from Zodiacal signs of God. And before bringing out the purest of the human race, God has allowed humanity to proceed with all such oddities which strengthen on one hand, the evolution of believers - and on the other, expose the handiworks of pagan brilliance of successive generations.

Anthropic evolution has been tossed and tumbled repeatedly by the odds of religious polarities. Unusual authors like Edith Star Miller (Occult Theocracy) and Alexander Hislop (The Two babylons) have shown how ancient Paganism still persists in modern world; and they elucidated many hidden historical and operational connections between occult groups of today. Fritz Springmeier (author of ‘Bloodlines of Illuminati', 1995) explained their bloodlines:

"In the mockery and imitation of God's 12 tribes, Satan blessed 12 bloodlines. One of these bloodlines was the Ishmaelite-bloodline from which a special elite line developed alchemy, assassination techniques, and other occult practices. One bloodline was Egyptian/Celtic/Druidic from which Druidism was developed. One bloodline was in the orient and developed oriental magic. One lineage was from Canaan and Canaanites. It had the name Astarte, then Astorga, then Ashdor, and then Astor. The tribe of Dan was used as Judas Iscariot type seed. The royalty of the tribe of Dan has descended down through history of a powerful Satanic bloodline. The 13th or final bloodline was copied after God's royal lineage of Jesus…. One of the bloodline goes back to Babylon and is descended from Nimrod. Down through the years the occult world has   remained hidden from the history books."

Many secrets of Illuminati are locked up tightly – simply because secrecy is their ‘way of life'. This had clear reflection in the ‘mystery languages' of the pagan gods and goddesses of ancient world. Many obscurantism of ancient gods' linguistic enigma and numerous conceits of mythological falsehoods have gradually been abolished after development of alphabetic languages following arrival of the Semites and their conquest of Sumerians. Legacies of ancient Paganism continued to misguide human quest for knowledge until Revelation in Qur'an came to orient the path of human enquiry towards ‘proof based on evidence' (burhan). Gradually the path of ‘science' was laid by  the founding fathers (Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Kepler, Pasteur and Einstein etc) who believed in Supraliminal Intelligence of God; because every facet of creation is found to exist with definite subjective and objective purposes – such manifestation cannot take place without constancy of an Intelligent Designer. After appearance of ‘science' neoteric Paganism changed its modus operandi. Pagan brilliance gradually became feral upon the ‘fruits of science'; by moving on the ‘surface' they tended to confine the spirits of human enquiry within ‘whirl pools' of one after another thesis, anti-thesis and synthesis rather than the ‘Facts' be attained by gravitating towards requirement for causality behind the ‘pre-mental truths'. A glaring example is the relentless myths on and around Darwinism; champions of Darwinism (‘epitome of modern pagan genius') have  tried to mislead the path of science – based upon Darwin's book ‘On the origin of species' that clearly fails to define ‘what is the species'! Long before the quest of science unveiled the subjective and objective controls of Supraliminal Intelligence inveterate in the genetical aspect of the ‘species' -- propaganda machineries of pagan brilliance had orchestrated the denial of God and diverted the spirits of enquiry into endless conceptual disorders via gimmicks of ‘chance happenings'.

But anti-God pagan brilliance continued to defile the sacred ways of God (Tariq) by distorting the ‘root ideas' and manipulating them to suit their basic purpose i.e. denial of God (kufr). After older schemes of mythological fibs and hugeness of idols collapsed, latter heritage of pagan genius became parasitic upon the vitality of Prophetic tradition – introducing altruistic syncretism between Pagan imports and Prophetic purports: where sacred aspects of religion starting from the ‘revealed name of God' to identities of the Prophets have been towed down to the level of profane Paganism. The present Kali age ‘Illuminati' have plagued the lofty class within among Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and Chinese etc and engaged in devising plots to help the cause of open and secret adversaries of God. Several books (see below)* are now available which have exposed the generational bloodlines of  Illuminati and how they have gained the control and power by giving rise to this modern civilization of inequity. When God controls the heart of His people - these ‘Illuminatis' control the major and minor political parties, the process of  government, the process of information flow, the process of creating money, and consequently their burgeoning ascendancy tends to enslave entire humanity. God has granted some freedom for disbelieving pagan generations to exalt with their choices in respective civilizations, alongside God also warned the believers:

‘…Nor strain thine eyes in longing for the things We have given for enjoyment to parties of them, the splendour of the life of this world, through which We test them: but the provision of thy Lord is better and more enduring.' (Q, 20: 131)

‘Whoever desires the life of the world and its glitter, to them We shall pay in full the wages of their deeds therein, and they will have no diminution therein. They are those for whom there is nothing in the Hereafter but Fire; vain are the deeds they did therein, and no effect is that which they used to do.' (Q, 11: 15-16)


Nothing can exist without element of Truth; no pagan hubris can stand independently without being parasitic upon some elements of Truth and no pagan evil can gain popular supports before initially delivering some good. From ancient pagan gods, goddesses or later demigods to despot rulers like Hitler and Stalin etc of the history could attain their heights after mesmerizing the mass with some apparent goods that hide their real intentions.

Ancient Paganism could hide the intents by giving rise to the mysteries and refraining from the scriptural foundation. But deva worshipping Vedic Aryans delivered good by introducing the definite scriptural document. However, the Vedic scriptures also were strictly confidential in its heyday; only in recent times Vedic literatures came out of obscurity and only after that we could make a valid probe into the mysterious devas (Indra, Varuna etc) of the Indo-Aryan's. Vedic guild of India collapsed within about 500 years by the burden of its own flaws. Then the newer generation of gods like Mahavira and Buddha (belonging to Jñâtrclan) arose again by delivering well; they removed many social irregularities instituted by their Vedic predecessors. In order to assert their own religious supremacy they had to overthrow the obscurantism of Vedic Sanskrit -- which before used to serve only the cause of Brahminical elitism. And in this process they revived many dying local autochthonous languages of pre-Vedic India; and many obscurantism of Vedic language were removed after Prakritization of Sanskrit. Now autochthonous talents (from pre-Vedic Saivism / Vaisnavism) were able to come up with their writings – and because of this, it was possible to recover many elements of Sanatan Dharma (eternally pre-existing) that existed in India before rise of Vedism. Thus grounds have been prepared for later generations to develop famous textual accounts like Ramayana and Mahabharata, Upanishad, Bhagavat Gita etc by mixing up pre and post Vedic religious imports. Although cultural syncretism between pre-Vedic Saivism and Vedism caused thorough transmutation of Hindu scriptures into Vedic fold, yet it was possible for us to recover many religious truths of pre-Vedic Sanatan Dharma that arrived in India via east bound descendants of Prophet Abraham (sons from his concubine Keturah). And Buddhism and Jainism eventually faded away by failing to match the vitality of Sanatan Dharmic imports.    

Annals of bygone religious past of Egyptian civilization have evinced us how from the ancestral knowledge of ‘Hereafter' (traceable sporadically in Egyptian Todtenbuch) – gradually sprang up pyramid high aspirations of the pagan Pharaohs' to control their own ‘Hereafter' in devised monuments. In the process of achieving their cherished goal, they had to employ large section of the country's population and accordingly provide their livelihood for masses; we find that historically they achieved fabulous feats in the field of art, sculpture, hieroglyphic writing, maths and astronomical observation, constructions, irrigation and farming beside many vital aspects of social realities. The same is true with other pagan cultures of ancient Near East, Indus/Harappa, and China etc; they had to provide sustenance for large section in order to spread out the cults of respective pagan gods and goddesses via multiplicity and hugeness of monuments. And those ancient pagan cultures inflated only to be deflated in the end. Exhibitions of such several thousand years old collective might of the gods, demigods and their human servants have turned now into the museums of extinct civilization.

"Deeds after the manner of the people of Pharaoh and those before them": They treated as false the Signs of their Lord so we destroyed them for their crimes, and We drowned the people of Pharaoh: for they were oppressors and wrong doers.' (Q, 8: 54); ‘Behold, ye are those invited to spend of your substances in the Way of God: but among you are some that are niggardly. But any who are niggardly are so at the cost of their own souls. But God is free of all wants, and it is ye thatare needy. If ye turn back from the Path, He will substitute in your stead another people; then they would not be like you.'  (Q, 47: 38)

The historical consequences and fragility of braggart aspirations make little or no alarm to pagan exuberance. Because, One Day of the God's time is equivalent to thousand human years, hence during period of untoward inflation, apparent triumphs appear as only ‘real' to the hubris of euphoric disbelievers of Revelation. More the civilization advances in age, the worldly gains become increasingly apparent, volitional elements tend to dominate and self-willed fancies become louder by tending to forget those abiding truths of Revelations vital for its existence. This obvious defiance to its own life giving sap in turn compels its own crop of mal-growth to fall upon itself; and finally falsehood collapses by the burden of its own excrescence. This has been corroborated by rise and fall of so many past civilizations, kingdoms, rulerships, and political systems etc. And yet there have remained enough pagan aspirations to come which shall inflate but only to meet their final ends.

‘…falsehood is by its nature bound to perish.' (Q, 17: 81)


1. Sir Charles Eliot. (1921), ‘Hinduism and Buddhism', vol, 1, London

2. ‘The Holy Qur'an' – with original ‘Arabic Text, English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. Islamic Book Service, India. 2000.

3. ‘The Holy Bible', Revised Standard Version (New York: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, 1946, 1971); Holy Bible, B & FBS, Printed in Great Britain by Eyre andSpottiswoode Limited His Majesty's Printers, London.

* Books on Illuminati: ‘Bloodlines of Illuminati' by Fritz Springmeier, 1995; ‘Be wise as Serpent' by Fritz Springmeier, 1991; ‘The Two Babylons' by Alexander Hislop; ‘Occult Theocracy' by Edith Star Miller; ‘The World Order' and ‘The curse of Canaan' both by Eustace Mullins, 1985; ‘The Jews and Freemasons in Europe 1723-1989' by Jacob Katz, 1970; ‘Irish and English Freemasons and their Foreign Brothers' by di Michel Gargano, 1878; ‘Secret Societies of the European Revolution' by Thomas Frost; ‘The Unseen Hand' by Raiph A. Epperson, 1985; ‘America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones' by Antony C. Sutton.  
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