Hot Wheels Birthday Cake Ideas
- A simple sheet cake can be turned into a great Hot Wheels birthday cake featuring a race track. Bake a normal sheet cake and then cover with green frosting. Now frost around the outside of the top of the cake black for the race track. Place a few Hot Wheels on the track and write a special message to the recipient inside the track.
- Plain sheet cake with a race track frosted on it too plain for you? Jazz up this idea by cutting the cake into the number that corresponds with the birthday being celebrated and then paint the whole number to look like a race track. Then add some Hot Wheels cars to the track and it is ready for the big reveal.
- A professional baker could build a cake shaped and frosted to look like your child's favorite Hot Wheels car. You could also hire a professional to create a more intricate design for you, such as a Hot Wheels Jeep scaling a mountainside.
- With a printer and a sheet cake, you can create a real simple Hot Wheels birthday cake that can, if necessary, can be thrown together at the last minute. Print the Hot Wheels logo, attach it to a piece of wax paper and cut it out. Lay the logo on top of a frosted sheet cake. Scatter some Hot Wheels cars on top around the logo and the cake is ready to go.
Race Track
Number Cake
Professional Cake