Epidural Anesthesia Quiz
Updated April 10, 2015.
Epidural anesthesia is a popular form of anesthesia for labor and birth. Have you had a childbirth class that covered epidurals? Perhaps your friend told you about their experience with an epidural. Here is a quick quiz to test your knowledge of epidurals!
Start the Epidural Anesthesia Quiz!
Here's a hint, if you're not sure about taking the test first, read the links on this page and see if that helps you improve your score.
The truth is, there is a lot of false information out there about epidurals, particularly when it comes to childbirth. This is a very personal decision and one that needs to be made with an open mind to all options, knowing that an epidural is only one of those options. (And yes, sometimes you want one and can't get one for a variety of reasons, but there are still things you can do...)
So take your best shot and see how you score. Are you an epidural expert? Or a novice when it comes to labor pain relief?