Dont Ignore Your Brakes Signs That You Might New Pads or Rotors
Don't ignore squeaky brakes, which can lead to more expensive problems down the line.
Among the most important components of your vehicle are its brakes. After all, they are responsible for ensuring the stop-and-go capacity of your car, making it safe to operate your vehicle on busy roads and thoroughfares. While it can be tricky to determine when you need to address issues with your brakes - from re-filling fluid to replacing pads or rotors -- paying attention to a few key signals can prevent problems down the line. It is important not to ignore these warning signs, so that you don't incur significant cost down the line from the need to undergo a complete brake system replacement. You don't need to be an auto repair professional to know when you need new brakes; just be aware of your car's various signs, particularly when you drive and stop, to know when it's time to address your brakes.
A common warning sign that your brakes need to be replaced is when they begin to make a loud "squealing" sound. It starts out fairly inconsistent, only squealing occasionally. However, as you continue to let the problem fester, your brakes will begin to squeal each time you step on them to slow the car down. At this point, you generally just need to replace the brake pads and perhaps fill up on brake fluid if yours is low. However, don't make this assumption on your own. Have your brakes checked out to make sure that the pads and/or fluid is the sole source of the squealing.
If you let the problem go on, the brakes will eventually cease to "squeal" and will instead begin to scrub and grind. This sounds like a harsh metal-on-metal sound and generally means that your pads are shot and that the rotors are following close behind. The cost for this type of repair is significantly more expensive than a simple pad replacement or a fluid refill. At this point, your brake pedal may be going farther to the ground, making stopping on a dime virtually impossible. Bad brakes are no longer just a nuisance but a danger. The worse the scrubbing, the worse your brakes are and if you continue to let them go, you may find yourself driving and unable to stop at all.
Do not let it get that bad when you hear a light squealing or feel that the brake pedal is stiff and hard to push down. Go into an auto repair shop and get it checked out. If you catch it in time you may not need a complete replacement, but rather a re-filling of the brake fluid in your car. A reputable auto repair or brake repair professional can make this determination for you and give you direction on what you need to do to get your brakes working properly once again.
Among the most important components of your vehicle are its brakes. After all, they are responsible for ensuring the stop-and-go capacity of your car, making it safe to operate your vehicle on busy roads and thoroughfares. While it can be tricky to determine when you need to address issues with your brakes - from re-filling fluid to replacing pads or rotors -- paying attention to a few key signals can prevent problems down the line. It is important not to ignore these warning signs, so that you don't incur significant cost down the line from the need to undergo a complete brake system replacement. You don't need to be an auto repair professional to know when you need new brakes; just be aware of your car's various signs, particularly when you drive and stop, to know when it's time to address your brakes.
A common warning sign that your brakes need to be replaced is when they begin to make a loud "squealing" sound. It starts out fairly inconsistent, only squealing occasionally. However, as you continue to let the problem fester, your brakes will begin to squeal each time you step on them to slow the car down. At this point, you generally just need to replace the brake pads and perhaps fill up on brake fluid if yours is low. However, don't make this assumption on your own. Have your brakes checked out to make sure that the pads and/or fluid is the sole source of the squealing.
If you let the problem go on, the brakes will eventually cease to "squeal" and will instead begin to scrub and grind. This sounds like a harsh metal-on-metal sound and generally means that your pads are shot and that the rotors are following close behind. The cost for this type of repair is significantly more expensive than a simple pad replacement or a fluid refill. At this point, your brake pedal may be going farther to the ground, making stopping on a dime virtually impossible. Bad brakes are no longer just a nuisance but a danger. The worse the scrubbing, the worse your brakes are and if you continue to let them go, you may find yourself driving and unable to stop at all.
Do not let it get that bad when you hear a light squealing or feel that the brake pedal is stiff and hard to push down. Go into an auto repair shop and get it checked out. If you catch it in time you may not need a complete replacement, but rather a re-filling of the brake fluid in your car. A reputable auto repair or brake repair professional can make this determination for you and give you direction on what you need to do to get your brakes working properly once again.