Putting a Stop to Bullying
Everyone's been messed with at one time or another.
Being teased is a part of growing up.
Its not usually a big deal when its a playful kind of mutual banter and everyone involved is okay with it.
However when it turns into a situation where real harm is being done, that's where it becomes bullying and it must not continue.
Bullying takes all kinds of forms, Physical bullying, verbal bullying, indirect bullying, social alienation, intimidation and cyberbullying.
These are all intentional acts of torment with psychological effects on everyone involved.
Those who are bullied respond in a variety of ways.
We are all familiar with the way Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold responded on April 20th 1999 when they decided to kill a bunch of people as they lashed out against others with deadly force.
Why Bullies Bully To feel important, in control of a situation or popular among peers and to do so they require a victim; a physically, emotionally or psychologically weaker person who is different somehow.
Though sometimes bullying takes place because that's how they were treated and they're passing it on because its what they know to do.
Because of their own experience they feel its normal to ridicule and torment others.
Signs of Bullying It can be difficult to tell when someone is being victimized by a bully.
There are not always outward signs like torn clothing, bruises or other injuries.
If you watch carefully you may detect differences in behavior.
Children often have fitful sleep, they act anxious or they deviate from their normal eating patters.
They may avoid certain places or situations where they are likely to encounter a bully.
If you believe that someone you care about is being bullied, the best way to find out about it is to look for opportunities to bring up the issue in passing.
For example you may have an occasion to use a character in a book or a tv program to start a conversation and ask a few probing questions such as "Has that ever happened to you?" you could even turn the tables a little and describe how a similar situation happened to you which will open the door for then to ask questions of you and how you solved your bullying problem.
Let them know, if they're being bullied, its okay to talk about it.
Helping Kids with Bullies If one of your children tells you their being bullied, its important not to overreact.
Do not tell them to stand up for themselves.
This can lead to someone getting injured.
Children sometimes feel ashamed of being bullied.
They feel its somehow their fault.
They may think their parents won't believe them or will be disappointed some how.
You may want to check your local laws on bullying.
Recently checking revealed the State School Improvement Act-a bill that will require schools to launch anti-harassment programs, and report any bullying.
Being teased is a part of growing up.
Its not usually a big deal when its a playful kind of mutual banter and everyone involved is okay with it.
However when it turns into a situation where real harm is being done, that's where it becomes bullying and it must not continue.
Bullying takes all kinds of forms, Physical bullying, verbal bullying, indirect bullying, social alienation, intimidation and cyberbullying.
These are all intentional acts of torment with psychological effects on everyone involved.
Those who are bullied respond in a variety of ways.
We are all familiar with the way Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold responded on April 20th 1999 when they decided to kill a bunch of people as they lashed out against others with deadly force.
Why Bullies Bully To feel important, in control of a situation or popular among peers and to do so they require a victim; a physically, emotionally or psychologically weaker person who is different somehow.
Though sometimes bullying takes place because that's how they were treated and they're passing it on because its what they know to do.
Because of their own experience they feel its normal to ridicule and torment others.
Signs of Bullying It can be difficult to tell when someone is being victimized by a bully.
There are not always outward signs like torn clothing, bruises or other injuries.
If you watch carefully you may detect differences in behavior.
Children often have fitful sleep, they act anxious or they deviate from their normal eating patters.
They may avoid certain places or situations where they are likely to encounter a bully.
If you believe that someone you care about is being bullied, the best way to find out about it is to look for opportunities to bring up the issue in passing.
For example you may have an occasion to use a character in a book or a tv program to start a conversation and ask a few probing questions such as "Has that ever happened to you?" you could even turn the tables a little and describe how a similar situation happened to you which will open the door for then to ask questions of you and how you solved your bullying problem.
Let them know, if they're being bullied, its okay to talk about it.
Helping Kids with Bullies If one of your children tells you their being bullied, its important not to overreact.
Do not tell them to stand up for themselves.
This can lead to someone getting injured.
Children sometimes feel ashamed of being bullied.
They feel its somehow their fault.
They may think their parents won't believe them or will be disappointed some how.
You may want to check your local laws on bullying.
Recently checking revealed the State School Improvement Act-a bill that will require schools to launch anti-harassment programs, and report any bullying.