"The Dirty Secrets of Cheating Men" Part 2
We’ve touched on the concept that men are like machines. They react to external stimuli and external triggers. In particular, we talked about that men have specific buttons that a woman can push to elicit certain, predicable actions - cheating is one of them.
The majority of men work this way - when someone pushes their cheating buttons, they cheat. That "someone" could be another woman or it could be us. To prevent a man from cheating is simple. Make sure that the other woman has no chance of pushing his "cheating button." At the same time, manage our behaviours in a way to make sure we are not pushing his cheating buttons as well.
Only when we can do this, we can safely say the relationship is rock solid. In that case, you will never have to worry about him ever cheating on you or leaving you for another woman. Won't it be great to have that security and that peace of mind once and for all?
I would hope so.
So, in this article, we want to continue with this discussion and talk about his Dirty Secret #2: The 3 Cheating Buttons. I'll try to cover as much as possible.
A Man's Cheating Button #1: Routine
Men, no matter how rational, have a chaotic side. This poses a particular challenge for us women. When a man is in a committed relationship, things slowly and eventually become stable and predictable. He knows that you'll be there when he's back. He knows that you'll spend time with him as a couple. He knows that he has a commitment and a responsibility.
No matter how much he wants that predictable pattern in his life, there is part of him that desires something spontaneous, something exciting, something adventurous, and something BAD ... All men have this secret desire. The only difference is some show it more and others less.
So, how does this concern you and your relationship? When things become a routine in a man's love life, a man becomes susceptible for affairs. His radar is attuned to attractive women. He gets restless. He feels tempted. He starts to think about the possibilities.
Man's Cheating Button #2: He Thinks He Can Get Away with It.
Normally, a guy knows that he can get away with it, when us women believe anything he says.
Many women (including myself in the past), believe any excuse a guy gives us. The reason is not because the excuses are good. But because we want to believe him. We want to believe that nothing is wrong. We want to believe that he's not cheating. We want to believe that it is just a misunderstanding.
I can tell you as many stories as you want about crazy excuses guys will give you. When a woman catches a guy sending very flirty and sexual messages to another woman, the guy will just say something like, "Oh, it was just a joke. I wasn't interested in her at all. It doesn't mean anything," and the woman will believe him.
When a woman catches a guy kissing another woman, the guy will say that the other woman jumped on him and he wasn't interested at all. And she'll believe him.
My advice is that you should listen to him, but also use your own critical thinking, and under no circumstances should you be afraid to ask questions. If a guy has to go somewhere very late one night, you can and should ask questions. Sometimes we don't want to be perceived as nagging. We don't want him to feel like we don't trust him. We don't want to make him feel uncomfortable. But you know what? Sometimes you need to ask questions, and if he gets very defensive or angry for no apparent reason, ask him why he's getting so sensitive.
Man's Cheating Button #3: When He Meets An "Easy" Woman
Many men find it difficult to resist the temptation if an attractive, available woman shows him that she's interested.
Talking to him about why he shouldn't cheat won't help the situation one single bit. If anything, it will only make him feel annoyed or defensive. Not something we want.
Instead, what you want to do is to sharpen your "cheating radar." You want to pay attention to any pattern change in your man's actions or behaviors that indicate that something is going on. When a man suddenly changes how he carries on his daily activities, you want to find out why.
It's essential that you observe him and be alert for any sudden change in behaviors. Examples are multiple cell phones, change of work schedule, traveling schedule, sudden change of clothing styles and so on.
Stay Tuned for more or get the FULL Story Here.
Love and Success,
The majority of men work this way - when someone pushes their cheating buttons, they cheat. That "someone" could be another woman or it could be us. To prevent a man from cheating is simple. Make sure that the other woman has no chance of pushing his "cheating button." At the same time, manage our behaviours in a way to make sure we are not pushing his cheating buttons as well.
Only when we can do this, we can safely say the relationship is rock solid. In that case, you will never have to worry about him ever cheating on you or leaving you for another woman. Won't it be great to have that security and that peace of mind once and for all?
I would hope so.
So, in this article, we want to continue with this discussion and talk about his Dirty Secret #2: The 3 Cheating Buttons. I'll try to cover as much as possible.
A Man's Cheating Button #1: Routine
Men, no matter how rational, have a chaotic side. This poses a particular challenge for us women. When a man is in a committed relationship, things slowly and eventually become stable and predictable. He knows that you'll be there when he's back. He knows that you'll spend time with him as a couple. He knows that he has a commitment and a responsibility.
No matter how much he wants that predictable pattern in his life, there is part of him that desires something spontaneous, something exciting, something adventurous, and something BAD ... All men have this secret desire. The only difference is some show it more and others less.
So, how does this concern you and your relationship? When things become a routine in a man's love life, a man becomes susceptible for affairs. His radar is attuned to attractive women. He gets restless. He feels tempted. He starts to think about the possibilities.
Man's Cheating Button #2: He Thinks He Can Get Away with It.
Normally, a guy knows that he can get away with it, when us women believe anything he says.
Many women (including myself in the past), believe any excuse a guy gives us. The reason is not because the excuses are good. But because we want to believe him. We want to believe that nothing is wrong. We want to believe that he's not cheating. We want to believe that it is just a misunderstanding.
I can tell you as many stories as you want about crazy excuses guys will give you. When a woman catches a guy sending very flirty and sexual messages to another woman, the guy will just say something like, "Oh, it was just a joke. I wasn't interested in her at all. It doesn't mean anything," and the woman will believe him.
When a woman catches a guy kissing another woman, the guy will say that the other woman jumped on him and he wasn't interested at all. And she'll believe him.
My advice is that you should listen to him, but also use your own critical thinking, and under no circumstances should you be afraid to ask questions. If a guy has to go somewhere very late one night, you can and should ask questions. Sometimes we don't want to be perceived as nagging. We don't want him to feel like we don't trust him. We don't want to make him feel uncomfortable. But you know what? Sometimes you need to ask questions, and if he gets very defensive or angry for no apparent reason, ask him why he's getting so sensitive.
Man's Cheating Button #3: When He Meets An "Easy" Woman
Many men find it difficult to resist the temptation if an attractive, available woman shows him that she's interested.
Talking to him about why he shouldn't cheat won't help the situation one single bit. If anything, it will only make him feel annoyed or defensive. Not something we want.
Instead, what you want to do is to sharpen your "cheating radar." You want to pay attention to any pattern change in your man's actions or behaviors that indicate that something is going on. When a man suddenly changes how he carries on his daily activities, you want to find out why.
It's essential that you observe him and be alert for any sudden change in behaviors. Examples are multiple cell phones, change of work schedule, traveling schedule, sudden change of clothing styles and so on.
Stay Tuned for more or get the FULL Story Here.
Love and Success,