Simple Things to Cure Systemic Candidiasis Symptoms - Treatment and Perspective
Curing systemic Candidiasis symptoms? There is nothing complicated about it, especially about the treatment.
The brain is not functioning very well with Candida and the treatment program should be as simple as possible or you will feel overwhelmed.
Just remember to eliminate sugar or anything that turns quickly to sugar, this means simple carbohydrates like cereal, bread, rice and potatoes.
The diet I followed was leafy green vegetables and meat.
You only need these 3 simple things to be practiced on your diet: 1.
You must eliminate the foods that feed Candida.
You must aggressively kill the Candida with an antifungal.
You must replenish the healthy intestinal flora in the intestines.
The information I share on this web is because there is no single approach could possibly cure everyone.
As diverse as all of us are is as diverse as our treatments need to be.
I will stake my life on the three components I mention above.
Someone suggested before that anti-fungal are not necessary.
Perhaps his experience tells him this is true.
My experience tells me the three components above are the basics for curing systemic Candidiasis.
Discovering whatever works for each person is what's most important.
We need to try a variety of approaches till we find the best one.
I personally like the Whole Approach system that uses bentonite clay, caprol, probiotics, and psyllium seeds and husks.
You can rotate the caprol with grapefruit seed extract and oregano oil.
I wish this could be everyone's magic bullet.
I can only recommend what has worked for me and hope someone can benefit from it.
The brain is not functioning very well with Candida and the treatment program should be as simple as possible or you will feel overwhelmed.
Just remember to eliminate sugar or anything that turns quickly to sugar, this means simple carbohydrates like cereal, bread, rice and potatoes.
The diet I followed was leafy green vegetables and meat.
You only need these 3 simple things to be practiced on your diet: 1.
You must eliminate the foods that feed Candida.
You must aggressively kill the Candida with an antifungal.
You must replenish the healthy intestinal flora in the intestines.
The information I share on this web is because there is no single approach could possibly cure everyone.
As diverse as all of us are is as diverse as our treatments need to be.
I will stake my life on the three components I mention above.
Someone suggested before that anti-fungal are not necessary.
Perhaps his experience tells him this is true.
My experience tells me the three components above are the basics for curing systemic Candidiasis.
Discovering whatever works for each person is what's most important.
We need to try a variety of approaches till we find the best one.
I personally like the Whole Approach system that uses bentonite clay, caprol, probiotics, and psyllium seeds and husks.
You can rotate the caprol with grapefruit seed extract and oregano oil.
I wish this could be everyone's magic bullet.
I can only recommend what has worked for me and hope someone can benefit from it.