Why Teamwork Precedes Success
Without excellent teamwork, a business or organization will fail to reach it's potential. Off the top of your head, you can probably think of dozens of successful people from entrepreneurs, to inventors, to political leaders. There always seems to be one person who receives the recognition or publicity, but in actuality, they never could have done it without the cooperation of good players, even the Lone Ranger wasn't alone, he had Tonto.
The potential of a leader is determined not only by their own talents, but also by those closest to him. You may have heard you are the average of the five individuals you are closest to. Trying to accomplish substantial dreams will be more challenging if you try to fly solo, so you need to understand success requires teamwork building. Furthermore, it only makes sense that you put together a team that will raise the bar so to speak. Going beyond what you are capable of alone, is exactly why you need teamwork, and strength in your inner circle.
We can't be all things, and each of us undoubtedly do not have the skills required to do all things in business. This being the reason why teamwork with trusted members is required to succeed. You want your inner circle or your star players to have varying strengths, skills, or talents that you might not have. When we look at business, most of us start a business looking for freedom. Perhaps it's freedom from a job, or freedom from debt, freedom to make your own choices each and every day. No matter what your dream is, you need to build a team to meet the size of that dream. You also want to continually develop the leaders in your organization.
Here are two steps to developing your inner circle and increasing teamwork results:
1. We need to become better leaders ourselves, to attract higher caliber leaders to our team. The first step is to find a mentor, someone who is already winning, that you can learn from. World class athletes know this principle quite well. You see, the winners of a race may not always finish first every day, but they are always in the first pack of racers to win each day. Basically, working with and spending time with leaders that perform better than you, causes you to raise your expectations. When you find mentors greater than you in leadership and ability it can be the catalyst you need to reach your true potential.
2. Develop existing leaders. We can raise up the people in our own organization, in our own team so they can step into those leadership roles at a higher level. Personal growth is essential. Focus on growing yourself first, lead by setting the example and the pace for the team. By setting higher standards in your organization, the expecations for teamwork and leadership also increase. When you raise the expectations, you'll find that people will grow to meet those challenges. Let's face it, we don't all start out in business as fine tuned leaders. Leadership skills are developed over time, with unfailing effort. People follow the example set before them, so if you want to produce strong leaders, become one yourself first.
When building your inner circle team, you are looking for people that add value to your organization; those who strive to increase the potential of the total team. truthful leaders are critical. You want members who will speak the truth; not just tell you what they think you want to know. We want our teams to have direct and honest communication.
How will you ever know if you are on the right track or what may need enhancement, if your teamwork doesn't have a foundation of honesty? Wouldn't you rather have your team tell you up-front, well I don't' think that will work, rather than working on a project and then hearing later, well I could have told you that wasn't going to work. That's why we have teams, to pool our resources to improve our results. Lastly, remember nothing of great magnitude has ever been achieved without support, which is why teamwork requires a strong inner circle.
The potential of a leader is determined not only by their own talents, but also by those closest to him. You may have heard you are the average of the five individuals you are closest to. Trying to accomplish substantial dreams will be more challenging if you try to fly solo, so you need to understand success requires teamwork building. Furthermore, it only makes sense that you put together a team that will raise the bar so to speak. Going beyond what you are capable of alone, is exactly why you need teamwork, and strength in your inner circle.
We can't be all things, and each of us undoubtedly do not have the skills required to do all things in business. This being the reason why teamwork with trusted members is required to succeed. You want your inner circle or your star players to have varying strengths, skills, or talents that you might not have. When we look at business, most of us start a business looking for freedom. Perhaps it's freedom from a job, or freedom from debt, freedom to make your own choices each and every day. No matter what your dream is, you need to build a team to meet the size of that dream. You also want to continually develop the leaders in your organization.
Here are two steps to developing your inner circle and increasing teamwork results:
1. We need to become better leaders ourselves, to attract higher caliber leaders to our team. The first step is to find a mentor, someone who is already winning, that you can learn from. World class athletes know this principle quite well. You see, the winners of a race may not always finish first every day, but they are always in the first pack of racers to win each day. Basically, working with and spending time with leaders that perform better than you, causes you to raise your expectations. When you find mentors greater than you in leadership and ability it can be the catalyst you need to reach your true potential.
2. Develop existing leaders. We can raise up the people in our own organization, in our own team so they can step into those leadership roles at a higher level. Personal growth is essential. Focus on growing yourself first, lead by setting the example and the pace for the team. By setting higher standards in your organization, the expecations for teamwork and leadership also increase. When you raise the expectations, you'll find that people will grow to meet those challenges. Let's face it, we don't all start out in business as fine tuned leaders. Leadership skills are developed over time, with unfailing effort. People follow the example set before them, so if you want to produce strong leaders, become one yourself first.
When building your inner circle team, you are looking for people that add value to your organization; those who strive to increase the potential of the total team. truthful leaders are critical. You want members who will speak the truth; not just tell you what they think you want to know. We want our teams to have direct and honest communication.
How will you ever know if you are on the right track or what may need enhancement, if your teamwork doesn't have a foundation of honesty? Wouldn't you rather have your team tell you up-front, well I don't' think that will work, rather than working on a project and then hearing later, well I could have told you that wasn't going to work. That's why we have teams, to pool our resources to improve our results. Lastly, remember nothing of great magnitude has ever been achieved without support, which is why teamwork requires a strong inner circle.