Make a Guy Fall in Love - Can it Happen Overnight?
Does making a guy fall in love seem impossible? Is there any way to make the process easier or faster? Should you try to push things along? Making a guy fall in love can be a formidable task, but with the right secrets you can capture his heart for good.
Perhaps the most annoying thing about love is that it takes time to create and nurture loving feelings between a man and a woman.
It is not a process that can be forced or rushed, but a lot of women fall into the trap of pushing things along under the guise of not wanting to waste time.
There is of course some wisdom in weeding out guys who don't cut it, but relationships don't happen overnight either.
There isn't a checklist that says if you do this, this, and this, a man will love you forever.
Love requires an emotional bond.
Why is friendship such a great foundation for a loving, lasting relationship? Because it gives you time to see that person in a variety of situations.
You find out his likes and dislikes.
You learn if he is moody, sensitive or angry.
You see how he responds to stress.
You see how he treats other people.
It is critical to get to know a man's character before you get involved in a serious relationship.
So instead of focusing on getting a commitment out of him, try to learn as much as possible about who he really is first.
At the same time, he's getting to know similar things about you.
Love requires mutual admiration.
A man isn't going to fall in love with you based on external beauty alone.
There has to be something about you that will make him want to stay.
That's where personality and character come into play.
Show a man all of the facets of your personality from your fun girlie side to your rough and tumble side to your compassionate, caring side.
All of this combined is what makes a man stick around and ultimately makes him fall in love.
Love can wait for sex.
This is not a popular concept, but when you delay having sex, you give the other important elements of love a chance to grow.
Most men won't have a problem with this if they are truly interested in you.
They key to making a guy fall in love is to give it time.
There's no need to rush through the process.
Instead you should focus on learning as much about him as possible.
That will tell you if he's right for you as a long term partner.
Perhaps the most annoying thing about love is that it takes time to create and nurture loving feelings between a man and a woman.
It is not a process that can be forced or rushed, but a lot of women fall into the trap of pushing things along under the guise of not wanting to waste time.
There is of course some wisdom in weeding out guys who don't cut it, but relationships don't happen overnight either.
There isn't a checklist that says if you do this, this, and this, a man will love you forever.
Love requires an emotional bond.
Why is friendship such a great foundation for a loving, lasting relationship? Because it gives you time to see that person in a variety of situations.
You find out his likes and dislikes.
You learn if he is moody, sensitive or angry.
You see how he responds to stress.
You see how he treats other people.
It is critical to get to know a man's character before you get involved in a serious relationship.
So instead of focusing on getting a commitment out of him, try to learn as much as possible about who he really is first.
At the same time, he's getting to know similar things about you.
Love requires mutual admiration.
A man isn't going to fall in love with you based on external beauty alone.
There has to be something about you that will make him want to stay.
That's where personality and character come into play.
Show a man all of the facets of your personality from your fun girlie side to your rough and tumble side to your compassionate, caring side.
All of this combined is what makes a man stick around and ultimately makes him fall in love.
Love can wait for sex.
This is not a popular concept, but when you delay having sex, you give the other important elements of love a chance to grow.
Most men won't have a problem with this if they are truly interested in you.
They key to making a guy fall in love is to give it time.
There's no need to rush through the process.
Instead you should focus on learning as much about him as possible.
That will tell you if he's right for you as a long term partner.