Communication, An Ever-evolving Sector
With the constant development of social networks, next generation mobiles, web in general and all the means of communication that characterise the epoch we live in, we cannot but assert that communication, in all of its forms, has a more and more important role in all the fields of our life, from work to private life. No wonder that the experts in communication have multiplied in the last few years, like in the case of costumer care services and mediators, for example, roles that are all different from each other but which have communication as a common base.
Certainly communication has always been a human need. With the passing of time it has changed and assumed new forms also thanks to different instruments, and throughout their history men have been able to improve their communication capacities in various way: first of all with verbal communication, which most distinguishes us from all the other living species, then with the origin of writing and all the communication forms that have developed through time, from art to movies, from journalism to emails. Writing the history of human communication, highlighting even only the essential steps of this evolution, would be pretty difficult, especially if you consider that communication is constantly developing and changing, above all in the last few years. Because it is true that communication has always been an important feature in human life, but it is also true that in the epoch and society we live in peoples attention on communication, in all of its variants, is becoming stronger and stronger. The success achieved by the communication faculties, masters and courses offered by universities and other associations is just one evidence of the importance that communication is gaining, not only as a human need, but also as a subject to look into and study, a subject that requires the intervention of specialised and competent figures, experts that can deal with this subject and study it in all of its components.
But you only need to look around you to understand that communication, or at least the attempt to communicate, is becoming an everyday issue for most of us. The increasing request for experts in communication, from public relation specialists to communication consultants, is certainly an evidence of this, but even more meaningful is to highlight the proliferating of different and more advanced means of communication. Means of communication have multiplied and are more and more widespread in comparison to a past that is not so remote especially thanks to the web, which gives people the chance to keep in contact with the rest of the world in a fast and accessible way. In addition to new media, emails, facebook, twitter and other types of blogs and social networks, also the old means of communication like newspapers, TV, radio still exist, in a sort of media bombing that has no equals in history. However, it is to be pointed out that having many media at your disposal does not automatically mean that you are able to communicate, nor that you can do that in a real way. Because it is true that the possibilities to communicate have increased, but it is also true that it is up to each of us to use these media to establish real, and not only virtual contact with other people.
Certainly communication has always been a human need. With the passing of time it has changed and assumed new forms also thanks to different instruments, and throughout their history men have been able to improve their communication capacities in various way: first of all with verbal communication, which most distinguishes us from all the other living species, then with the origin of writing and all the communication forms that have developed through time, from art to movies, from journalism to emails. Writing the history of human communication, highlighting even only the essential steps of this evolution, would be pretty difficult, especially if you consider that communication is constantly developing and changing, above all in the last few years. Because it is true that communication has always been an important feature in human life, but it is also true that in the epoch and society we live in peoples attention on communication, in all of its variants, is becoming stronger and stronger. The success achieved by the communication faculties, masters and courses offered by universities and other associations is just one evidence of the importance that communication is gaining, not only as a human need, but also as a subject to look into and study, a subject that requires the intervention of specialised and competent figures, experts that can deal with this subject and study it in all of its components.
But you only need to look around you to understand that communication, or at least the attempt to communicate, is becoming an everyday issue for most of us. The increasing request for experts in communication, from public relation specialists to communication consultants, is certainly an evidence of this, but even more meaningful is to highlight the proliferating of different and more advanced means of communication. Means of communication have multiplied and are more and more widespread in comparison to a past that is not so remote especially thanks to the web, which gives people the chance to keep in contact with the rest of the world in a fast and accessible way. In addition to new media, emails, facebook, twitter and other types of blogs and social networks, also the old means of communication like newspapers, TV, radio still exist, in a sort of media bombing that has no equals in history. However, it is to be pointed out that having many media at your disposal does not automatically mean that you are able to communicate, nor that you can do that in a real way. Because it is true that the possibilities to communicate have increased, but it is also true that it is up to each of us to use these media to establish real, and not only virtual contact with other people.