Women Pregnancy Information
Giving birth to a baby is the ultimate of woman hood. It is one of the basic instincts for a female to be pregnant. Pregnancy can be defined as fertilization and development of one or more offspring known as fetus in a woman's womb. Where conception can be achieved through sexual intercourse or assisted reproductive intervention technology. In human being the baby is usually born 38 to 40 weeks after conception. Following is short summary of women pregnancy. What to expect?
During the entire nine months pregnancy woman's and baby (inside the uterus) under go many changes. Pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters for better comprehension of symptoms. During first trimester of pregnancy, hormonal changes affect every organ of the female's body. Symptoms in first trimester (1st week to 12 week) of pregnancy include: morning sickness, heartburn, abnormal sense of smell, extreme tiredness, mood swings, and tenderness in the breast. Craving or distaste for something, constipation.
As the pregnancy progresses to 2nd trimester (week 13 to week28th) woman the troublesome symptoms of nausea disappears. Stomach starts expanding during this period. Most woman find 2nd trimester easier than the first. By the end of this trimester is over the baby begins to move.
The changes that are most noticeable during this trimester may include swelling of ankles and legs, feet and face. (If the swelling is alarming the female must visit the doctor); Pain in different part of the body, woman especially experience pain in the back; patches of dark skin on both side of the cheek; darkening of skin around nipple; stretch marks on the nipple, abdomen , thighs and arms. Itching of the soles of feet and palm (with the itching if the female has nausea, vomiting mild fever with yellow tone of the skin, it can be sign of liver disease or jaundice, and she must see a doctor immediately.
In the3rd trimester of pregnancy (week 29th to week 40) Women may have the same discomfort as before, the frequency of urination may increase but it will soon go away as after childbirth, some woman may experience shortness of breath as growing baby is putting pressure on the organs, hemorrhoids, dropping down of the baby, contraction which can be real or false.
As the female nears the date of delivery the wall of cervix becomes thinner and softer. This is a normal process. The short summary has put some light on symptoms of women pregnancy and what to expect.
During the entire nine months pregnancy woman's and baby (inside the uterus) under go many changes. Pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters for better comprehension of symptoms. During first trimester of pregnancy, hormonal changes affect every organ of the female's body. Symptoms in first trimester (1st week to 12 week) of pregnancy include: morning sickness, heartburn, abnormal sense of smell, extreme tiredness, mood swings, and tenderness in the breast. Craving or distaste for something, constipation.
As the pregnancy progresses to 2nd trimester (week 13 to week28th) woman the troublesome symptoms of nausea disappears. Stomach starts expanding during this period. Most woman find 2nd trimester easier than the first. By the end of this trimester is over the baby begins to move.
The changes that are most noticeable during this trimester may include swelling of ankles and legs, feet and face. (If the swelling is alarming the female must visit the doctor); Pain in different part of the body, woman especially experience pain in the back; patches of dark skin on both side of the cheek; darkening of skin around nipple; stretch marks on the nipple, abdomen , thighs and arms. Itching of the soles of feet and palm (with the itching if the female has nausea, vomiting mild fever with yellow tone of the skin, it can be sign of liver disease or jaundice, and she must see a doctor immediately.
In the3rd trimester of pregnancy (week 29th to week 40) Women may have the same discomfort as before, the frequency of urination may increase but it will soon go away as after childbirth, some woman may experience shortness of breath as growing baby is putting pressure on the organs, hemorrhoids, dropping down of the baby, contraction which can be real or false.
As the female nears the date of delivery the wall of cervix becomes thinner and softer. This is a normal process. The short summary has put some light on symptoms of women pregnancy and what to expect.