What Kind of Bait Do Blue Catfish Like to Eat?
- Blue catfish is one of the largest catfish species of North America. Being a opportunistic predator, the blue catfish will eat any species of fish.
- To catch the biggest blue catfish it is best to use cut bait, which is a fish that has been cut up into pieces. The fluids from the cut bait will better attract the adult blue catfish since their senses are more developed.
- Live bait will also attract adult blue catfish. They are attracted to the live bait because as they get older they mature into predators and not just scavengers.
- Younger blue catfish are attracted to many types of bait, including shrimp, chicken livers, earthworms or even hot dogs that you find in your refrigerator. Almost an type of bait will appeal to their scavenger instincts.
- Blue catfish can be found in the Mississippi River drainage area, including rivers such as the Ohio, Tennessee and Missouri rivers. They can also be found in Lake Marion and Lake Moultrie, which are located in South Carolina.
Blue Catfish
Cut Bait
Live Bait
Other Baits
Places to Fish