Summer Teen Camps in Ohio
- Thrills, spills and athletic skills development are the curriculum at Ohio Dreams Action Sports Camps.skateboard image by bacalao from
Ohio has the most public library visits per capital than any state in America. In addition, 88 percent of Ohio's residents earn their high school diploma, as of 2010. These accomplishments may be due to the emphasis on year-round learning that takes place in summer camps throughout the state. Those that were developed for adolescents may center on academics, sports, talents like art or dance, nature or religion. - Located in Butler, Ohio Dreams Action Sports Camps offers eight-week summer sessions for teens ages 9 to 17. The program provides supervised activities in paintball, volleyball, swimming, arts and crafts, digital photography and a slack line course, which improves rock climbing skills. The camp also offers training in skateboarding, mountain biking, BMX racing (race, street and trails), in-line skating, water skiing and snowboarding. Participants stay on-site within dormitories and all meals are included in the admission fee. Ohio Dreams promotes itself as a camp that provides teens the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to achieve athletic goals.
Ohio Dreams Action Sports Camp
3495 Tugend Road
Butler, OH 44822
800-963-3495 - The Wilds is a private, non-profit conservation center in Cumberland, Ohio. It was founded to provide solutions to environmental problems. In addition to conducting scientific research, the organization sponsors programs to educate the public about such issues as sustainability, habitat management and animal management. This is achieved by providing educational and summer camps for all ages, with a variety of activities. The Wilds has four summer camps for teens, categorized by age group, starting from ages 12 to 19. Sessions are generally about a week long. One of the camps focuses on wildlife projects such as capturing and marking wildlife, improving habitats and building trails. The WildeCamp XTreme is a 14-square mile backpacking experience. Oikos is a camp program for teen campers training for careers as conservation educators or counselors. The final youth camp provides laboratory and field practicum experience to high school students interested in careers as veterinarians, wildlife habitat managers or animal management specialists.
The Wilds
14000 International Road
Cumberland, OH 43732
740-638-5030 - Recognized throughout North America as a top technology camp, iD Tech Camps is a family owned summer camp that has spread across more than 25 states and into Canada. Programs are designed for youth ages 7 to 17 or 13 to 18 and take place within universities. Ohio has two camps, Ohio State University in Columbus and Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. Students experience college life by taking campus tours, eating within college dining facilities and sleeping in on-site dorms. They focus on computer camp courses from creating video games to designing web pages. Students may participate in day, extended-day or overnight camps.
iD Tech Camps
42 West Campbell Ave.
Campbell, CA 95008
Ohio Dreams Action Sports Camps
The Wilds
iD Tech Camps