Planning a Wine Investment In Vineyards
Every business must be well planned in order to succeed.
Investing in wine is a long and difficult process.
There are a lot of steps you can do before making a commitment to wine investment.
It is a serious business and the work involved can be very challenging.
First you have to define your objective and your reasons for investing in the winery industry.
At that stage you must define your expectations about the return on your investment.
You must specify the type of land you will need for the type of vineyards you will be growing.
If there is farm land nearby on which pesticides have been used, there must be situated a secure fence.
If growing vineyards will be one of a variety of activities on your land then you must think about how you will manage when the vintage and the harvest arrive at the same time.
How you will divide your time.
This is a very important decision because for a short time you will have to focus all your attention and you will have to have tight organisation.
Wine investment can be a very successful business but you must do your homework.
Any little mistake you make can lead to a loss in the product, your time and more importantly money.
Wine investment is a business "hungry" for money.
The vineyards are "holes in the ground" that want money.
Even in the best development you won't have a vintage for seven to ten years.
Other things that require your attention and maintenance are the electricity, the roads, fences, shelters, wind protectors, water and security.
You have to make an account of all these things and make a priority of the things that need to be done first.
Plan all your activities, but be realistic.
Don't overestimate your strength, abilities and opportunities.
List all the risk factors.
Try to find a solution for all of them, if you can't, then calculate what it is going to cost you.
Growing vines can be combined with a lot of other activities that will also bring you more profit.
You can start with building a winery.
Then you can recommend your winery and vineyards as a great place for tourists to visit by offering free wine tasting or excursions where they can see how the wine is made.
You can also give them special discounts on the wine they buy if they visit the winery.
All wine investments are exempted from taxes and it is an up and coming market that with the right knowledge you can expand and be very profitable.
Investing in wine is a long and difficult process.
There are a lot of steps you can do before making a commitment to wine investment.
It is a serious business and the work involved can be very challenging.
First you have to define your objective and your reasons for investing in the winery industry.
At that stage you must define your expectations about the return on your investment.
You must specify the type of land you will need for the type of vineyards you will be growing.
If there is farm land nearby on which pesticides have been used, there must be situated a secure fence.
If growing vineyards will be one of a variety of activities on your land then you must think about how you will manage when the vintage and the harvest arrive at the same time.
How you will divide your time.
This is a very important decision because for a short time you will have to focus all your attention and you will have to have tight organisation.
Wine investment can be a very successful business but you must do your homework.
Any little mistake you make can lead to a loss in the product, your time and more importantly money.
Wine investment is a business "hungry" for money.
The vineyards are "holes in the ground" that want money.
Even in the best development you won't have a vintage for seven to ten years.
Other things that require your attention and maintenance are the electricity, the roads, fences, shelters, wind protectors, water and security.
You have to make an account of all these things and make a priority of the things that need to be done first.
Plan all your activities, but be realistic.
Don't overestimate your strength, abilities and opportunities.
List all the risk factors.
Try to find a solution for all of them, if you can't, then calculate what it is going to cost you.
Growing vines can be combined with a lot of other activities that will also bring you more profit.
You can start with building a winery.
Then you can recommend your winery and vineyards as a great place for tourists to visit by offering free wine tasting or excursions where they can see how the wine is made.
You can also give them special discounts on the wine they buy if they visit the winery.
All wine investments are exempted from taxes and it is an up and coming market that with the right knowledge you can expand and be very profitable.