Foods That Reduce Inflammation Are Easy to Find and Prepare
If you're looking for foods that reduce inflammation, you need look no further than fish.
Why? Because fish is full of omega 3 fatty acids.
Research shows these fatty acids are a key part of reducing inflammation.
Your diet needs to fight inflammation with these essential nutrients because your body needs them but can't make them.
To reduce inflammation, limit your intake of foods like red meat, packaged baked goods, and fast food because these are all high in omega 6's which tend to increase your inflammation.
You'll also do well to limit sugar and alcohol.
Tomatoes and potatoes may also increase inflammation so be aware of them.
So, what should you eat? According to the American Heart Association, you should eat fish 2-3 times a week to reduce inflammation, improve your memory and prevent heart disease.
Lake trout, salmon, tuna and a recently available fish called hoki are all excellent resources for these omega 3 nutrients.
You can also get them by eating more spinach, walnuts, and olive.
Some nutrition experts recommend following the Mediterranean diet which includes more whole grains, fish and vegetables.
If you eat meat, choose lean cuts and eat less cheese or low fat cheese.
About ¼ cup of walnuts a day can give you the omega 3's you need.
Nutritionists say you should get 1-2 mg a day of these nutrients.
So, the walnuts are good.
You can eat them by the handful or sprinkle them on salad.
The reason fish is considered such a good source of these nutrients is because the oil is about 30% omega 3 fatty acids.
1000's of doctors recommend fish oil supplements because they're about 60% of these nutrients.
Some people may need more than the standard recommendation of 1-2 mg which makes supplements easier.
For example, some heart patients are counseled to get higher doses because these nutrients keep your arteries clean which prevents heart attacks.
Certainly, you should check with your doctor before you start adding supplements to your diet.
As you can see, foods that fight inflammation are essentially healthy foods like spinach, olive oil and fish.
Getting enough exercise and rest will help reduce your inflammation too.
You know you need to protect your health from excessive inflammation.
Your diet can play a big role in reducing inflammation.
If you're interested in learning more about foods that fight inflammation and omega 3 fish oil pills, please visit my website, where I share what products I have personally been using daily for several years.
Why? Because fish is full of omega 3 fatty acids.
Research shows these fatty acids are a key part of reducing inflammation.
Your diet needs to fight inflammation with these essential nutrients because your body needs them but can't make them.
To reduce inflammation, limit your intake of foods like red meat, packaged baked goods, and fast food because these are all high in omega 6's which tend to increase your inflammation.
You'll also do well to limit sugar and alcohol.
Tomatoes and potatoes may also increase inflammation so be aware of them.
So, what should you eat? According to the American Heart Association, you should eat fish 2-3 times a week to reduce inflammation, improve your memory and prevent heart disease.
Lake trout, salmon, tuna and a recently available fish called hoki are all excellent resources for these omega 3 nutrients.
You can also get them by eating more spinach, walnuts, and olive.
Some nutrition experts recommend following the Mediterranean diet which includes more whole grains, fish and vegetables.
If you eat meat, choose lean cuts and eat less cheese or low fat cheese.
About ¼ cup of walnuts a day can give you the omega 3's you need.
Nutritionists say you should get 1-2 mg a day of these nutrients.
So, the walnuts are good.
You can eat them by the handful or sprinkle them on salad.
The reason fish is considered such a good source of these nutrients is because the oil is about 30% omega 3 fatty acids.
1000's of doctors recommend fish oil supplements because they're about 60% of these nutrients.
Some people may need more than the standard recommendation of 1-2 mg which makes supplements easier.
For example, some heart patients are counseled to get higher doses because these nutrients keep your arteries clean which prevents heart attacks.
Certainly, you should check with your doctor before you start adding supplements to your diet.
As you can see, foods that fight inflammation are essentially healthy foods like spinach, olive oil and fish.
Getting enough exercise and rest will help reduce your inflammation too.
You know you need to protect your health from excessive inflammation.
Your diet can play a big role in reducing inflammation.
If you're interested in learning more about foods that fight inflammation and omega 3 fish oil pills, please visit my website, where I share what products I have personally been using daily for several years.