Spring-Themed Carnival Ideas
- Fill a large basin or child's pool with water. The pool can be decorated to be reminiscent of a springtime pond by placing potted plants, trees and flowers alongside it. Fill the pond with rubber ducks or fish. Write a "P" on the bottom of one or a few of them to relay "prize." Provide players with small nets and invite them to catch a fish or duck. If they capture one with a "P" on the bottom, they win a prize.
- In a springtime spin on the classic carnival game of ring toss, decorate pegs to resemble the smiling bodies of cartoon butterflies. Attach construction paper butterfly wings to the sides of the rings or hoops being used in the game. Invite the players to try and pair one of the butterfly bodies with the butterfly wings. Award players a prize for each assembled butterfly they create with their well-placed toss.
- Play off the idea of a bean bag toss by adapting it to the springtime theme. Set up three baskets or "nests" of varying sizes and distances. Provide players with a handful of sand-filled plastic eggs. Secure eggs with clear tape or glue so they don't break open after frequent tosses. Assign points to each nest and award prizes according to how many points are gained by tossing the eggs into the various nests.
- For refreshments, offer guests springtime-themed foods and beverages. Set up a lemonade stand for the guests to partake in. Create a station that serves snow cones and ice cream cones to celebrate the warmer weather. For carnival prizes, provide items that can be used in the warm weather outdoors, such as balls, jump ropes and Frisbees.
Pond Fishing
Butterfly Ring Toss
Eggs in the Nest
Snacks and Prizes