Earn Money While Drinking Via Trivia Games
They are the quiz games which are hosted in public houses of many countries such as bars and pubs. These games are mostly hosted in the evening to late night timings and weekdays are preferred over weekends. The weekdays idea is more decided as on those days the pubs are not as much occupied by people than compared to weekends, so it helps the pubs gain profit on those days. Trivia games or quizzes have questions related to the country in which they are being hosted. Their question banks are prepared by professional organizations which research everything about the country and cover minutest details also. The questions are broadly classified into 3 major categories based on their severity which as Easy, Medium Hard and Very Hard. The questions which are easy to answer are kept as easy and the questions which are quite tough to answer are kept under very hard category. The questions are started from easy and as the games gets interesting it keeps on moving to a harder level. These trivia games are also known as Memorama quizzes. Memorama is basically 2-3 hours jam packed brain teasers quiz which would include questions related to the social, political, entertainment and cultural topics of that country. Memorama is categorized as stimulating, addictive and enjoyable.
These quizzes are mostly played in groups and involve many rounds. In the end of some particular number of rounds one group is declared as winner. The winning team is presented with prizes which would mostly include cash and discount coupons. Sometimes to make it more interesting the drinks are made free of the winning team. People of many countries love to spend their weekdays evenings in such pubs and bars which conduct these games. Trivia games help people in increasing their knowledge about their country and also at the same time enjoy drinks with games.
These games help the bars gain publicity in the town and increase their revenue generation. They help the pubs in retaining their customers as they would come back each week to continue with the game. As these games do not cost much extra to the pubs so its considered to be very cost effective. The bars occasionally also organize some picture and sound clips rounds which acts spark to the game. Proper planning has to be done before conducting these Memorama games. Advertising plays a vital role in popularity of these games as they attract more and more local people by describing the time, location and date of the event. This activity of entertainment has not only attracted the local people but also acts as a tourists attraction for that country.
These quizzes are mostly played in groups and involve many rounds. In the end of some particular number of rounds one group is declared as winner. The winning team is presented with prizes which would mostly include cash and discount coupons. Sometimes to make it more interesting the drinks are made free of the winning team. People of many countries love to spend their weekdays evenings in such pubs and bars which conduct these games. Trivia games help people in increasing their knowledge about their country and also at the same time enjoy drinks with games.
These games help the bars gain publicity in the town and increase their revenue generation. They help the pubs in retaining their customers as they would come back each week to continue with the game. As these games do not cost much extra to the pubs so its considered to be very cost effective. The bars occasionally also organize some picture and sound clips rounds which acts spark to the game. Proper planning has to be done before conducting these Memorama games. Advertising plays a vital role in popularity of these games as they attract more and more local people by describing the time, location and date of the event. This activity of entertainment has not only attracted the local people but also acts as a tourists attraction for that country.