A Short Description on Chronic Disease Hepatitis
In the era of globalization we are living in a high profile technology. But truly speaking most of the people don't know about chronic disease. Really, it's a surprising matter. Basically it takes long duration and slow progression. There are so many complications of chronic disease, such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, respiratory problem, diabetes etc. Recently it is the leading cause of death. Not only that a percentage of people are dying every year for this reason. Basically illnesses and health condition can be classified under the broad heading of chronic disease.
Most of are typified by
€ Complex casualty,
€ Long latency periods
€ And functional impairment or disability
Mainly, chronic diseases do not resolve impulsively. No doubt these is definitely life threatening. And generally it is not cured completely. Most of this persist in an individual through life, but are not always the reason of death.
Now we discuss about, chronic disease hepatitis. Definitely it has different part. It does know as an inflammation of the liver, a gastroenterological. Most of the hepatitis is typified as a viral and non viral hepatitis. And viral hepatitis can considered as rapid a position that comes on frequency with different symptoms. Drugs, alcohol, chemicals and autoimmune etc can be considered as the cause of the non viral hepatitis. On the other hand, the virus of mononucleosis and cytomegalovirus can be accountable for viral hepatitis. If we critically analyze we can see that most of the virus don't impact on liver. But generally doctors are referring to hepatitis caused by some viruses that primarily attack our liver. Hepatitis have been called as different types such as A, B, C, D, E, F and G. All of the viruses can result an acute disease with appearance number of weeks including yellowing of the skin and eyes called as jaundice, dark line, high fatigue, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. But the most common hepatitis viruses are A, B, C.
Hepatitis A virus:
It is one of the most common forms of hepatitis. Its also know as infectious hepatitis. And it is caused by the (HAV) hepatitis A virus. It can attack on any person. It exists on the stools of the infected person.
Hepatitis B virus:
It's also a severe disease caused by a virus that affects the liver. And it's also called as a serum hepatitis. It can cause a wide number of symptoms ranging form general malaise to life long infection. HBV spreads by body fluids, blood, saliva, semen, vaginal fluids, tears and urine.
Hepatitis C virus:
It is one of the common liver diseases caused by a virus known as HCV. It spreads by direct contact with an infected person's blood, sharing drugs, sexual contact etc.
There are lots of symptoms of chronic hepatitis. These are given below:
€ Malaise
€ Mild fever
€ Muscle or joint pains
€ Loss of appetite
€ Vomiting
€ Diarrhea and many more
The Symptoms:
€ Foul breath
€ Dark urine
€ Itching
€ Hives
€ Jaundice etc
Basically there is no remedy of Hepatitis chronic disease. Most of the cases of hepatitis A resolve easily. But Hepatitis B and C is dangerous. There are some medicines and procedure which can cure disease. An antiviral agent called interferon is a important medicines for Hepatitis B, as well as hepatitis B is cured by with a combination of pegylated interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin.
Most of are typified by
€ Complex casualty,
€ Long latency periods
€ And functional impairment or disability
Mainly, chronic diseases do not resolve impulsively. No doubt these is definitely life threatening. And generally it is not cured completely. Most of this persist in an individual through life, but are not always the reason of death.
Now we discuss about, chronic disease hepatitis. Definitely it has different part. It does know as an inflammation of the liver, a gastroenterological. Most of the hepatitis is typified as a viral and non viral hepatitis. And viral hepatitis can considered as rapid a position that comes on frequency with different symptoms. Drugs, alcohol, chemicals and autoimmune etc can be considered as the cause of the non viral hepatitis. On the other hand, the virus of mononucleosis and cytomegalovirus can be accountable for viral hepatitis. If we critically analyze we can see that most of the virus don't impact on liver. But generally doctors are referring to hepatitis caused by some viruses that primarily attack our liver. Hepatitis have been called as different types such as A, B, C, D, E, F and G. All of the viruses can result an acute disease with appearance number of weeks including yellowing of the skin and eyes called as jaundice, dark line, high fatigue, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. But the most common hepatitis viruses are A, B, C.
Hepatitis A virus:
It is one of the most common forms of hepatitis. Its also know as infectious hepatitis. And it is caused by the (HAV) hepatitis A virus. It can attack on any person. It exists on the stools of the infected person.
Hepatitis B virus:
It's also a severe disease caused by a virus that affects the liver. And it's also called as a serum hepatitis. It can cause a wide number of symptoms ranging form general malaise to life long infection. HBV spreads by body fluids, blood, saliva, semen, vaginal fluids, tears and urine.
Hepatitis C virus:
It is one of the common liver diseases caused by a virus known as HCV. It spreads by direct contact with an infected person's blood, sharing drugs, sexual contact etc.
There are lots of symptoms of chronic hepatitis. These are given below:
€ Malaise
€ Mild fever
€ Muscle or joint pains
€ Loss of appetite
€ Vomiting
€ Diarrhea and many more
The Symptoms:
€ Foul breath
€ Dark urine
€ Itching
€ Hives
€ Jaundice etc
Basically there is no remedy of Hepatitis chronic disease. Most of the cases of hepatitis A resolve easily. But Hepatitis B and C is dangerous. There are some medicines and procedure which can cure disease. An antiviral agent called interferon is a important medicines for Hepatitis B, as well as hepatitis B is cured by with a combination of pegylated interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin.