Writing For a Book Or Blog?
Do you sometimes walk into a bookstore, buy a book, and read a book and then think, "I can do this.
I can write a book.
" Then you worry about how you go about getting it published, how you get it onto the shelves to be sold and then you don't write a book.
Does this sound familiar, I am sure its not only me.
My very dear mentor, told me to just write.
Write on blogs, start the book, just write.
Wherever I can write, write (c'ept graffiti, thats not allowed).
She said that I do so much and I learn so much and that people will want to hear about it.
That I am like a secret hidden inspiration.
That was the most amazing comment I have been given by the way.
I felt the lump in the throat and everything.
So I have started doing blogs and writing, I have not yet started the book, as you guessed it, I don't know what to write about.
So for now I am filling up my time writing about the things I learn and do, but I am getting so much joy, fun and fulfillment just writing.
I am even getting comments.
People are actually reading what I write, some are even enjoying it.
Who knew! Today I get an email from another networking site that they want to write a book and are looking for co-authors to share experiences of property investing.
You know what I did?I wrote.
They said that not all entries will make it into the book but the entries will go up on a website to share with others so that others can learn from their experiences.
So I may not make it as a co-author but I will be able to teach someone something.
That just feels fantastic.
I feel like I have just caught the writing bug.
How come you are not joining us?
I can write a book.
" Then you worry about how you go about getting it published, how you get it onto the shelves to be sold and then you don't write a book.
Does this sound familiar, I am sure its not only me.
My very dear mentor, told me to just write.
Write on blogs, start the book, just write.
Wherever I can write, write (c'ept graffiti, thats not allowed).
She said that I do so much and I learn so much and that people will want to hear about it.
That I am like a secret hidden inspiration.
That was the most amazing comment I have been given by the way.
I felt the lump in the throat and everything.
So I have started doing blogs and writing, I have not yet started the book, as you guessed it, I don't know what to write about.
So for now I am filling up my time writing about the things I learn and do, but I am getting so much joy, fun and fulfillment just writing.
I am even getting comments.
People are actually reading what I write, some are even enjoying it.
Who knew! Today I get an email from another networking site that they want to write a book and are looking for co-authors to share experiences of property investing.
You know what I did?I wrote.
They said that not all entries will make it into the book but the entries will go up on a website to share with others so that others can learn from their experiences.
So I may not make it as a co-author but I will be able to teach someone something.
That just feels fantastic.
I feel like I have just caught the writing bug.
How come you are not joining us?