Unfolding the Mystery Behind Lasik
"LASIK" is the first thing that comes to mind when you speak of corrective eye surgery and it stands for laser assisted in-situ keratomileusis.
It has become a popular procedure to correct vision using refractive surgery.
It became available around 1980 and since then, many still doubt whether this very complicated procedure is indeed effective.
It can successfully correct problems like astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness.
Before LASIK, people who have these eye problems had no other choice but to make do with wearing eyeglasses and contact lenses; but unlike LASIK, these are mere vision aids, not correction.
After the procedure, people who used to have problems with their vision no longer need to use their eyeglasses or contact lenses, as their vision has significantly improved.
How does LASIK work? LASIK has the capability to change the shape of your cornea from within.
If there is an inconsistency within your eye, LASIK can specifically target this defective area to correct it.
It uses laser technology to take the misshapen fragments and reshape it.
After the surgery, a person will have a successfully corrected vision and will be able to focus on images directly without obscuring it.
In fact, some people will no longer need to wear their eyeglasses and contact lenses.
Before going through with the procedure, make sure to have your case consulted with an eye specialist.
You need to discuss the entire procedure with your doctor, so take this opportunity to ask all the questions you have about LASIK.
Once everything has been discussed, certain pre-operative instructions will be given to you.
Make sure to follow all these guidelines.
-You will be asked to refrain from wearing your eyeglasses for a minimum of two weeks up to a month, so that the cornea of your eyes can return to its normal shape.
Visual aids function to reshape the cornea of your eyes, so before the surgery, patients will be asked to stop wearing them for some time.
-Wearing contact lenses can also alter the shape of your cornea; so make sure to stop wearing contact lenses a few weeks before you undergo the procedure.
-You can also be asked to refrain from putting lotions, creams, make-ups, and other products around the area of the eye.
Any of these can affect the chemistry of your eyes so it would be best for you to not use any of these until after the surgery.
On the day of your surgery, your eye will be given some anesthetic drops to be able to numb it and make the procedure painless.
You will be lying on a table under laser equipment and the doctor will ask you to look straight into the blinking light.
During the entire procedure, an instrument will hold your eye open so as to allow the doctor to perform LASIK surgery.
This will be done one eye after the other; and the other eye will be protected while the doctor is working on the other.
It is such a simple procedure and after just a few hours, you can go home.
The doctor will just need to take a small incision into your eye to be able to expose the cornea and then the laser equipment will attempt to reshape that portion of the eye.
Once this is done, the flaps will be repositioned and will be left to heal.
The healing process, as well as the overall prognosis of the procedure will depend on the patient.
Some patients will have better prognosis than others and will heal faster, nevertheless, LASIK is a very good procedure to correct vision problems.
Always consult a specialist, before deciding to go through with it.
LASIK is a very delicate surgical procedure that should be done only by a qualified practitioner.
It has become a popular procedure to correct vision using refractive surgery.
It became available around 1980 and since then, many still doubt whether this very complicated procedure is indeed effective.
It can successfully correct problems like astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness.
Before LASIK, people who have these eye problems had no other choice but to make do with wearing eyeglasses and contact lenses; but unlike LASIK, these are mere vision aids, not correction.
After the procedure, people who used to have problems with their vision no longer need to use their eyeglasses or contact lenses, as their vision has significantly improved.
How does LASIK work? LASIK has the capability to change the shape of your cornea from within.
If there is an inconsistency within your eye, LASIK can specifically target this defective area to correct it.
It uses laser technology to take the misshapen fragments and reshape it.
After the surgery, a person will have a successfully corrected vision and will be able to focus on images directly without obscuring it.
In fact, some people will no longer need to wear their eyeglasses and contact lenses.
Before going through with the procedure, make sure to have your case consulted with an eye specialist.
You need to discuss the entire procedure with your doctor, so take this opportunity to ask all the questions you have about LASIK.
Once everything has been discussed, certain pre-operative instructions will be given to you.
Make sure to follow all these guidelines.
-You will be asked to refrain from wearing your eyeglasses for a minimum of two weeks up to a month, so that the cornea of your eyes can return to its normal shape.
Visual aids function to reshape the cornea of your eyes, so before the surgery, patients will be asked to stop wearing them for some time.
-Wearing contact lenses can also alter the shape of your cornea; so make sure to stop wearing contact lenses a few weeks before you undergo the procedure.
-You can also be asked to refrain from putting lotions, creams, make-ups, and other products around the area of the eye.
Any of these can affect the chemistry of your eyes so it would be best for you to not use any of these until after the surgery.
On the day of your surgery, your eye will be given some anesthetic drops to be able to numb it and make the procedure painless.
You will be lying on a table under laser equipment and the doctor will ask you to look straight into the blinking light.
During the entire procedure, an instrument will hold your eye open so as to allow the doctor to perform LASIK surgery.
This will be done one eye after the other; and the other eye will be protected while the doctor is working on the other.
It is such a simple procedure and after just a few hours, you can go home.
The doctor will just need to take a small incision into your eye to be able to expose the cornea and then the laser equipment will attempt to reshape that portion of the eye.
Once this is done, the flaps will be repositioned and will be left to heal.
The healing process, as well as the overall prognosis of the procedure will depend on the patient.
Some patients will have better prognosis than others and will heal faster, nevertheless, LASIK is a very good procedure to correct vision problems.
Always consult a specialist, before deciding to go through with it.
LASIK is a very delicate surgical procedure that should be done only by a qualified practitioner.