Qualities of a Good Roommate
- Communication is an important aspect to living together. Verbalize your wishes, house rules, expectations, etc., from the outset. Make sure she does the same. This way, the two of you will know what is expected of you and avoid miscommunication.
- Say you have noticed that your roommate isn't the most cleanly person in the world. A good roommate would listen to your complaint and be willing to make changes.
- Even if your roommate doesn't agree with what you say, he should possess the ability to compromise to reach a solution to a conflict. This will keep things running smoothly in your apartment.
- It is also important that you and your roommate divide housework evenly between the two of you. If she is not willing to do her share of the housework, then she is not a good roommate.
- You and you're roommate certainly don't have to be best of chums, but kindness is essential to any roomie relationship. Are you pulling an all-nighter studying for an exam? He should be willing to take extra care in being quiet for your study time. Kindness is also essential-- remember the golden rule and things should go very smoothly.
The Ability to Communicate
The Ability to Listen
The Ability to Compromise
Sharing the Workload
Kindness and Consideration