How to Remove a W32 Stration
- 1). Go to the AVG Free Anti-Virus program homepage if you don't have an anti-virus tool installed on your computer. Click the "Download" link, then run the installation file once it finishes downloading.
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Choosing the "System Protection" Button
Click the "Start" menu, then open the "Control Panel." Double click on the "System" icon. Click on the "System Protection" button underneath the "Tasks" heading. - 3
Unchecking the Boxes
Uncheck each of the check boxes at the bottom of the window to turn off your operating system's "System Restore" feature. Click the "OK" button, then exit the window. - 4
The "Safe Mode" Entry
Restart your computer, then wait for the name of your computer's manufacturer to show up on the screen. Press the "F8" key at the top of the keyboard to bring up the system menu. Scroll to the "Safe Mode" option and press "Enter." - 5
Choosing the "Update Now" Button
Open your anti-virus tool. Click on the program's "Update Now" button, then wait for the most recent virus scanning information to download to your machine. Click on "Computer Scanner." - 6
Scanning for the W32.Stration Worm
Click on the option labeled "Scan Entire Computer." Click on "Remove Problems" once the virus scan has finished. Return to the "Start" menu. - 7
Opening the "Regedit" Icon
Access the "Search" feature inside the "Start" bar. Search for the phrase "Regedit" and click on the icon that shows up. Navigate through the folders in the registry editor to the folder named "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager." - 8
The Registry Editor
Find the entry on the panel at the right side of the screen that is labeled "PendingFileRenameOperations." Right click on the entry, then choose the "Delete" button. - 9). Navigate to the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" folder. Delete the entries in the right panel named "msupdtwiz.exe" and "dnsrxpob.exe."
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Shut down the registry editor's window. Go back to the "System Protection" window and turn the "System Restore" feature back on. Restart your computer to finish the removal process.