First Class Flurry Walkthrough Tips
- First Class Flurry plays aboard an airplane.Nicholas Eveleigh/Stockbyte/Getty Images
After an airline goes bankrupt, Claire, who you will be playing, thinks she is out of a job until she gets a phone call from the new owner of the airline. First Class Flurry is a time management-style game, meaning you need to complete a certain task or goal within the allotted time to move to the next level. As you earn money and move up in levels, you are able to customize your airline cabin to work more efficiently for higher points. - With First Class Flurry, you must seat passengers, accommodate special requests, provide meals and take care of trash before landing at the destination. To help passengers quickly and to gain bonus points, create chains with common activities. For example, after you seat the passengers, click on one after another to take their order. You will get bonus points for each chain you create. Once you take all the orders, create another chain for passing out food, then another chain for collecting trash.
- With each level you complete, you get a certain amount of money and if you reach expert level you get additional money. Between each level, you have the option to upgrade items in the cabin, such as larger serving trays. Larger serving trays let you transport more food to passengers thus getting the job done quicker. An energy upgrade will increase your speed, allowing you to work and make chain actions faster.
- As with any live airline flight, passengers often sit next to people who bother them, such as small children or those chatting on the cell phone. In the game, these types of passengers will be bothersome, prompting other passengers to request a seat transfer. Moving passengers, taking care of unruly children and accommodating other passengers will dictate what their moods will be. Angry passengers cost you money, which may prohibit you from earning enough to move on to another level. Watch all the passengers and attend to their needs in order to pass the level.
Efficient Help
Upgrade Often
Passenger Moods