Touching the Spirituality of the Mind
A Much Better Approach to Life
Touching Your Spirituality of the Mind
Everyone appears to complain about how complicated life is becoming. My great grandmother said it. I remember my grandmother saying it. I, also, remember my mother and father saying how challenging and fast paced life has become. Needless to say as any kid I had to ask why and no one had much of an answer. At a young age I started on my search to find the explanations to all of my inquiries about life.
I hope that you will bear with me and read my open thoughts. Things are complicated because we make them that way and I hope display the simplicity of life.
We have to go to the beginning of our journey, the womb to solve this riddle.
The fifth week of pregnancy, or the third week after conception, marks the initiation of the embryonic phase. This is when the baby's brain, heart, spinal cord and other internal organs begin to form.
Eighteen weeks into the pregnancy, or 16 weeks after conceiving, the baby's ears begin to stand out on the sides of their head. The baby might begin to hear.
Based on the research of Dr. Kanwaljeet "Sunny" Anand, a University of Tennessee professor of pediatrics, anesthesiology, and neurobiology, promoted the idea that at 20 (twenty) weeks post-conception is the point when a fetus begins to feel pain, "the baby responds the same way you and I respond to pain, by recoiling."
<em>Somewhere between the 16th week and the 20th we feel the emotions and hear the world around us of the vessel we are within. We are actually learning and adopting our surroundings! </em>
Bear in mind we are what we eatâEUR¦ If there is turmoil and anger or peace and love we are making that apart of the self. That is at the core of our being!
While trying to understand the simplicity of life I had to ask; what is the first thing we do at birth?
We depart the comfort of the womb to the world and sure enough the first thing we attempt to do is find our way back. We explore until we discover We will make ourselves comfortable as possible then the quest for food all the while we share the experience in our way. During this important time there are a few other factors taking place we are cuddling and receiving affection and security. In our minds we relate cuddle, affection, and security with love.
As we grow we continue to explore our surroundings discovering the world and sharing what we have found along the way. Then the day comes we explore with the question; "WHY?" and never satisfied completely we continue the search until our parents are near crazy with all of the questioning "why" and "how come" even with the warning "Don't touch, it's hot" we reach anyhow until "ouch" and this wow that is hot! So part one of our core is to explore, discover, share, along with the quest for affection, love and security at the same time we absorb our surroundings. <em>We are what we eat as the saying goes!</em>
We absorb our surroundingsâEUR¦
I know this is a jump but hopefully you will see where this is going. Where does a predator and war come from? Life is simple we make it complex. All animals have a leader of the pack. It is always, the one in the packs that is; more violent and dominate, than the rest of. Look at how we recoil when there is a loud noise or an act of violence. We are afraid and it is that fear of our security that we tend to follow the so called leader. It is out of fear! We observe this behavior and simulate it into our own behavior, passing it along. I have to ask; what are we thinking?
<em>In the early stages of mankind's development we were in trees eating berries, nuts, and vegetation what brought us down from the tree to the cave? What did we mingle with that we became meat eaters? Was there something else down there? I wonder what will be discovered in our quest to understand our own DNA... </em>
Now we're in a cave eating meat I finished mine but still hungry I reach over to get more and it starts; the fight breaks out over who gets the meat. The clan moves back in fear screaming out tensions are raised and one of the two wins. Some would say this is a fight for survival or was it an act of greed but the outcome is the leader of the clan. Being the leader now it leads to the quest for more meat. During the hunt for meat another clan is spotted with meat, which sets into motion the first war. The leader of the other clan dies in the outbreak and that clan needs a leader and so on the winning clan gets bigger; " power "âEUR¦ and life goes on. I have to ask what would happen if no one followed? What would have happened had they all stood opposed to the "so called" leader? What if they asked WHY?
When a teacher teaches why do you have to remember names, places, and dates of events instead of why? Why did that happen? What lead up to that happening? WHY? Without the lessons gained by questioning do we learn from history? Are they teaching or gaining control, power over you?
When a preacher peaches why do you have to remember the words and never question why? How come, whyâEUR¦ Without the lessons gained by questioning do we learn? Are they preaching or gaining control, power over you?
Why does each of the religions say go out and populate the world, if not for power? Then should one ask; what about the world's resources? MEAT
Have we allowed ourselves to be taken out of touch with who we are and what our real purpose is in life?
Have you ever noticed;
How do you feel after you've helped someone else?
How do you feel after you have been angry at someone?
Have you ever wonder; WHY? Think about it, please.
<em>You certainly will be astonished at what you will discover!</em>
We happen to be the caretakers of this garden!
<em>Throw a stone in a pond, watch the ripple hit the shoreline and back to the center again, this is how we touch each other's life.
Explore and discover the secrets that lay within.
It is our unique variations that make the colors within this fabric we call society accept the right to be different and find peace.
What may happen if we spent time reaching out to one another around the world and took the time to understand each other accepting the differences?
What would happen if we built bridges between us, rather than waiting for governments to do it?
Want change?
What would happen if we pointed at something and said this is bad remove it from my eyes? Or what would happen if we said this is good and then embraced it?
If a child came forward planted their feet firmly on the ground and said "enough of this in my house" "how dare you raise your hand to another" would anyone listen would they stop? But what could happen if many protested at once in peaceful demonstration merely by putting a simple sign on their car?
<em>"I want peace; remove the violence and the predators from our global society!" </em> This might soundâEUR¦ but what would happen if all the predators were made to live together? Just saying! Not at the expense of society but given all the things one needs to survive on their own. Completely away from everyone they do or have done harm to. Understand I am not saying kill them that does not work, I am suggesting "segregate" them!
We're meant to explore, discover, and share our discoveries. We are the caretakers and naturally feel good as human beings when we have given help to someone else or something else!
But how can we when we're so afraid of the predators?
- Robert L Ruisi
Touching Your Spirituality of the Mind
Everyone appears to complain about how complicated life is becoming. My great grandmother said it. I remember my grandmother saying it. I, also, remember my mother and father saying how challenging and fast paced life has become. Needless to say as any kid I had to ask why and no one had much of an answer. At a young age I started on my search to find the explanations to all of my inquiries about life.
I hope that you will bear with me and read my open thoughts. Things are complicated because we make them that way and I hope display the simplicity of life.
We have to go to the beginning of our journey, the womb to solve this riddle.
The fifth week of pregnancy, or the third week after conception, marks the initiation of the embryonic phase. This is when the baby's brain, heart, spinal cord and other internal organs begin to form.
Eighteen weeks into the pregnancy, or 16 weeks after conceiving, the baby's ears begin to stand out on the sides of their head. The baby might begin to hear.
Based on the research of Dr. Kanwaljeet "Sunny" Anand, a University of Tennessee professor of pediatrics, anesthesiology, and neurobiology, promoted the idea that at 20 (twenty) weeks post-conception is the point when a fetus begins to feel pain, "the baby responds the same way you and I respond to pain, by recoiling."
<em>Somewhere between the 16th week and the 20th we feel the emotions and hear the world around us of the vessel we are within. We are actually learning and adopting our surroundings! </em>
Bear in mind we are what we eatâEUR¦ If there is turmoil and anger or peace and love we are making that apart of the self. That is at the core of our being!
While trying to understand the simplicity of life I had to ask; what is the first thing we do at birth?
We depart the comfort of the womb to the world and sure enough the first thing we attempt to do is find our way back. We explore until we discover We will make ourselves comfortable as possible then the quest for food all the while we share the experience in our way. During this important time there are a few other factors taking place we are cuddling and receiving affection and security. In our minds we relate cuddle, affection, and security with love.
As we grow we continue to explore our surroundings discovering the world and sharing what we have found along the way. Then the day comes we explore with the question; "WHY?" and never satisfied completely we continue the search until our parents are near crazy with all of the questioning "why" and "how come" even with the warning "Don't touch, it's hot" we reach anyhow until "ouch" and this wow that is hot! So part one of our core is to explore, discover, share, along with the quest for affection, love and security at the same time we absorb our surroundings. <em>We are what we eat as the saying goes!</em>
We absorb our surroundingsâEUR¦
I know this is a jump but hopefully you will see where this is going. Where does a predator and war come from? Life is simple we make it complex. All animals have a leader of the pack. It is always, the one in the packs that is; more violent and dominate, than the rest of. Look at how we recoil when there is a loud noise or an act of violence. We are afraid and it is that fear of our security that we tend to follow the so called leader. It is out of fear! We observe this behavior and simulate it into our own behavior, passing it along. I have to ask; what are we thinking?
<em>In the early stages of mankind's development we were in trees eating berries, nuts, and vegetation what brought us down from the tree to the cave? What did we mingle with that we became meat eaters? Was there something else down there? I wonder what will be discovered in our quest to understand our own DNA... </em>
Now we're in a cave eating meat I finished mine but still hungry I reach over to get more and it starts; the fight breaks out over who gets the meat. The clan moves back in fear screaming out tensions are raised and one of the two wins. Some would say this is a fight for survival or was it an act of greed but the outcome is the leader of the clan. Being the leader now it leads to the quest for more meat. During the hunt for meat another clan is spotted with meat, which sets into motion the first war. The leader of the other clan dies in the outbreak and that clan needs a leader and so on the winning clan gets bigger; " power "âEUR¦ and life goes on. I have to ask what would happen if no one followed? What would have happened had they all stood opposed to the "so called" leader? What if they asked WHY?
When a teacher teaches why do you have to remember names, places, and dates of events instead of why? Why did that happen? What lead up to that happening? WHY? Without the lessons gained by questioning do we learn from history? Are they teaching or gaining control, power over you?
When a preacher peaches why do you have to remember the words and never question why? How come, whyâEUR¦ Without the lessons gained by questioning do we learn? Are they preaching or gaining control, power over you?
Why does each of the religions say go out and populate the world, if not for power? Then should one ask; what about the world's resources? MEAT
Have we allowed ourselves to be taken out of touch with who we are and what our real purpose is in life?
Have you ever noticed;
How do you feel after you've helped someone else?
How do you feel after you have been angry at someone?
Have you ever wonder; WHY? Think about it, please.
<em>You certainly will be astonished at what you will discover!</em>
We happen to be the caretakers of this garden!
<em>Throw a stone in a pond, watch the ripple hit the shoreline and back to the center again, this is how we touch each other's life.
Explore and discover the secrets that lay within.
It is our unique variations that make the colors within this fabric we call society accept the right to be different and find peace.
What may happen if we spent time reaching out to one another around the world and took the time to understand each other accepting the differences?
What would happen if we built bridges between us, rather than waiting for governments to do it?
Want change?
What would happen if we pointed at something and said this is bad remove it from my eyes? Or what would happen if we said this is good and then embraced it?
If a child came forward planted their feet firmly on the ground and said "enough of this in my house" "how dare you raise your hand to another" would anyone listen would they stop? But what could happen if many protested at once in peaceful demonstration merely by putting a simple sign on their car?
<em>"I want peace; remove the violence and the predators from our global society!" </em> This might soundâEUR¦ but what would happen if all the predators were made to live together? Just saying! Not at the expense of society but given all the things one needs to survive on their own. Completely away from everyone they do or have done harm to. Understand I am not saying kill them that does not work, I am suggesting "segregate" them!
We're meant to explore, discover, and share our discoveries. We are the caretakers and naturally feel good as human beings when we have given help to someone else or something else!
But how can we when we're so afraid of the predators?
- Robert L Ruisi