DIY Deer Food Plots
- 1). Designate the area for the food plot by marking the corners with wood stakes. As a general rule, designate a minimum of about 1 acre for every six deer on your property. If you have higher deer densities, increase the size to 5 acres or more.
- 2). Gather a soil sample with a shovel and soil sampler kit. Take multiple samples from different locations, such as each corner and the middle of the food plot. Place the samples in a clean container and label the container with the date and general location of the field.
- 3). Plan your food plot schedule for the spring and fall foods. Designate about 30 percent of the planting for spring clover and the other 70 percent for fall/winter foods such as corn, beans, winter wheat and brassicas. This rotation helps meet the different nutritional demands of the deer throughout the different seasons.
- 1). Clear the marked area with a mower or chopping device. This helps to kill any weeds or other grasses allowing you to disc and drag the ground.
- 2). Use the ATV attachments such as the disc and tiller to loosen the soil. This prepares the soil for planting along with providing a smooth, level seedbed. You also can apply any fertilizer and lime while discing to control the pH and mineral content.
- 3). Firm the soil with a roller or packer. Rolling the soil kills any additional weeds or vegetation, and also will break up any large pieces of soil.
- 4). Plant the food plot crops according to the seed guidelines. Specific directions vary among different seed companies and plant types.
- 5). Rotate your food plot crops to provide a variety of food choices for the deer. For example, if you have several small food plots, you can plant different crops in each field.