Auld Lang Syne? Car Insurance? Why Not? This is the Year to Give Your Insurance a Fresh Beginning
The New Year is a time for new beginnings.
Patching broken relationships.
Fixing your roof.
Quitting your job and starting a new one-preferably one that's not going to make you feel like you're slinging hash for $5.
25 an hour! While you're making a new start for yourself, why not make one for your car insurance as well? When you're taking a good look at your car insurance rates you're going to find something that will surprise you.
Very little that factors into how much you're paying for your coverage has anything to do with what's going on today.
It's all about the fender-bender you were in three years ago, the speeding ticket you got last month and the dip in your credit score from a credit card you haven't used in years.
It takes 5 years to get your indiscretions expunged from your driving record and seven to have them wiped off your credit score, which means you need to get started today! The first thing you need to do is attach some balloons to your lead foot and curb your natural driving tendencies-at least, the ones that drive you to act like an alpha male out on the road! Right of way is something you might have, but not everyone's going to give it to you-and if you find yourself in an accident, it's not always going to be their fault! Your driving habits have a greater effect on your car insurance rates than just about anything else on earth.
You want to make sure that's as good an effect as possible! Speaking of driving habits, let's talk about brownie points.
Extra credit, if you will.
Every time you have a run in with local law enforcement and wind up with some black marks on your record, you lose points from your driver's license.
Those "negative points" put you in a higher risk category.
That's the rough equivalent of slapping a big, blinking "CAUTION" sign on your insurance application! You can get some of those points back by taking a driver improvement course.
Yes, we know, driver's ed was a long time ago.
Guess what? Adult improvement classes are (usually) much, much better than those hours you spent sitting in the school room.
And you'll be with a group of people who have as much fun making fun of those movies as you do! You can pick up some great tips here, however, and it looks great in the eyes of your car insurance carrier.
Finally, let's talk about renewing your car insurance policy.
Don't do it! At least, don't do it blindly.
Many car insurance companies have special "introductory rates" that are intended to lure in new drivers, only to watch those rates go up over time.
Before you renew with the company you have now, take the time to call around and fill out a form or two online.
You might find that those "bottom dollar" prices aren't nearly as close to the bottom as you thought!
Patching broken relationships.
Fixing your roof.
Quitting your job and starting a new one-preferably one that's not going to make you feel like you're slinging hash for $5.
25 an hour! While you're making a new start for yourself, why not make one for your car insurance as well? When you're taking a good look at your car insurance rates you're going to find something that will surprise you.
Very little that factors into how much you're paying for your coverage has anything to do with what's going on today.
It's all about the fender-bender you were in three years ago, the speeding ticket you got last month and the dip in your credit score from a credit card you haven't used in years.
It takes 5 years to get your indiscretions expunged from your driving record and seven to have them wiped off your credit score, which means you need to get started today! The first thing you need to do is attach some balloons to your lead foot and curb your natural driving tendencies-at least, the ones that drive you to act like an alpha male out on the road! Right of way is something you might have, but not everyone's going to give it to you-and if you find yourself in an accident, it's not always going to be their fault! Your driving habits have a greater effect on your car insurance rates than just about anything else on earth.
You want to make sure that's as good an effect as possible! Speaking of driving habits, let's talk about brownie points.
Extra credit, if you will.
Every time you have a run in with local law enforcement and wind up with some black marks on your record, you lose points from your driver's license.
Those "negative points" put you in a higher risk category.
That's the rough equivalent of slapping a big, blinking "CAUTION" sign on your insurance application! You can get some of those points back by taking a driver improvement course.
Yes, we know, driver's ed was a long time ago.
Guess what? Adult improvement classes are (usually) much, much better than those hours you spent sitting in the school room.
And you'll be with a group of people who have as much fun making fun of those movies as you do! You can pick up some great tips here, however, and it looks great in the eyes of your car insurance carrier.
Finally, let's talk about renewing your car insurance policy.
Don't do it! At least, don't do it blindly.
Many car insurance companies have special "introductory rates" that are intended to lure in new drivers, only to watch those rates go up over time.
Before you renew with the company you have now, take the time to call around and fill out a form or two online.
You might find that those "bottom dollar" prices aren't nearly as close to the bottom as you thought!