Don"t Laugh at This Article - It May Just Have the Information You Really Need to Enlarge Your Penis
After talking with dozens of men over the years and trying to find answers to the reasons why some men are more successful than others at penis enlargement, there is one underlying concept that was revealed.
After examining the concept for a bit, we decided that it is the main factor that can make or break a man from achieving the penis enlargement results he is after.
We originally felt that the main factor in men being unable to enlarge their penis size would be due to the inability of them to utilize a method that actually works.
The reason for this is that there are a lot of methods that don't deliver on what they promise, and at the same time, there are products that work better for some men and not others.
However, we even found the concept of poor-performing products to be put on the back burner if this main core concept wasn't fully understood, embraced, and utilized.
It's simple enough, and that's why it might cause you to roll your eyes and let out a sigh of perceived worthlessness, but the fact is that this concept is extremely important.
The concept of Motivation, is far and above the most important factor men need in order to realize their enlargement goals.
The reason why a poor-performing method or product takes a back seat to Motivation is because if a man is motivated, by God, he's not going to give up until he finds the perfect product to give him the results he truly desires.
If a man is only slightly motivated, he's liable to try a product or two (typically the products that offer incredible results without any effort, like penis pills) and when they don't work, due to his lack of motivation, he'll throw in the towel and give up trying to enlarge himself.
So, the key is to get Motivated and, more importantly, to remain Motivated.
It's that simple of a concept, but its worth is priceless for any man who truly wants to make a difference in the size of his penis.
There are many ways to get and maintain motivation, and I'm sure you can come up with some of your own.
However, we'll outline a few penis enlargement motivational tips that should help you gain or regain the motivation that is the number one factor in whether you will get to the moon or not with your enlargement dreams.
1) Competition - Becoming competitive is easier for some men that others, we all know that.
However, what we need to do is instill a sense of competitiveness within yourself to help drive you to reach those enlargement goals.
Make it a challenge.
Compete against yourself.
"Okay, big guy, you're always talking about how smart and talented you are, so, prove it to me, let's see you enlarge your penis.
" Competition with others, "If that bozo on the message boards can enlarge his penis by two inches, by God, I should be able to enlarge mine by four inches!" Competition against the competition, "Man, that Paul has all the chicks and I've heard they dig him because he has a big penis.
Heck, I'll show him who has a big penis!" Use creative competition with yourself or anyone or anything you can imagine to prove to yourself that you can Be Number One.
2) Structuring Your Goals for Easier Attainment - One turning point for men, when they set out to enlarge their penis, is that once they finally see that they are getting results, then this form of motivation will supercharge a man and get him even more excited to enlarge his penis.
One way to make these attainments more tangible is to do your research before you start to enlarge yourself and find a method of enlargement that actually works.
Extenders and Penis Exercises are two methods that do work and will give you results, and a little bit of research should convince yourself of this, as well.
So, start off with a product or method that actually will work.
You should have your goals regarding how big you want to get in a given time frame.
Let's say a three inch increase in length in three months.
Now, break down your three-inch goal into subsizes and submeasurements.
For example, instead of going after that three-inch target, subsidize your size into one-half inch gains every two weeks.
Restructuring your goals in this format will help ensure that you are seeing some results that will keep you going strong until you reach that size that you are truly after.
3) Supportive Measures - No man is an island and one of the best ways to continue to be motivated is to hang out with people who are interested in what you are doing.
Visit forums and message boards where people are discussing penis enlargement.
However, and this IS VERY IMPORTANT.
If you come across people who are negative, depressed, or don't seem to have a life so they spend it complaining about penis enlargement that doesn't work, do not read this type of information or get sucked into it.
The fastest way to lose your motivation is to read some guy's sob story about how he spent thousands of dollars on enlargement pills and didn't see any results.
These people are poison and will suck the motivation out of you faster than you can say, "I want a bigger penis.
" Stick with positive individuals who know what they are talking about.
Let the naysayers get off on their own misery.
4) Get Angry and Get An Attitude - Nothing motivates a guy more than when he is irritated about something.
Nothing will get a guy into action mode more than if he has this form of intense emotion driving his reaction.
So, get an attitude and get mad.
Don't get angry at your penis or what you want to accomplish, though.
Don't invite negativity like that to your penis or beat yourself up in order to get energized.
Instead, find other methods to get your blood boiling.
For instance, maybe if you have a bad experience because of your penis size and it hurt your feelings.
Then, turn this around and use it as a motivating factor where you can say, "By God! I'm never going to let that happen to me again!" This is great, as it will keep you motivated as long as you can maintain your intensity of feeling.
5) The Prize - What is in that pot at the end of the rainbow? Well, for the man interested in enlargement it's a bigger penis.
This brings with it more self-confidence, self-value, and self-esteem -- Priceless gifts that are very hard to truly obtain, for any person, in life.
Your bigger penis will quite very likely improve your sexual life and performance.
What about confidence with women and the ability to please women? The list is endless regarding the rewards that enlarging your penis can and will bring into your life.
Make a list of how your life WILL CHANGE for the better when you enlarge yourself and focus on this list every day.
Add to the list every time you think of a new positive factor that your increased size will bring into your future life.
Again, remaining motivated is the biggest factor between men who do and men who don't.
If you want a bigger penis, then take motivation seriously, you'll be surprised by the results.
Georg von Neumann
After examining the concept for a bit, we decided that it is the main factor that can make or break a man from achieving the penis enlargement results he is after.
We originally felt that the main factor in men being unable to enlarge their penis size would be due to the inability of them to utilize a method that actually works.
The reason for this is that there are a lot of methods that don't deliver on what they promise, and at the same time, there are products that work better for some men and not others.
However, we even found the concept of poor-performing products to be put on the back burner if this main core concept wasn't fully understood, embraced, and utilized.
It's simple enough, and that's why it might cause you to roll your eyes and let out a sigh of perceived worthlessness, but the fact is that this concept is extremely important.
The concept of Motivation, is far and above the most important factor men need in order to realize their enlargement goals.
The reason why a poor-performing method or product takes a back seat to Motivation is because if a man is motivated, by God, he's not going to give up until he finds the perfect product to give him the results he truly desires.
If a man is only slightly motivated, he's liable to try a product or two (typically the products that offer incredible results without any effort, like penis pills) and when they don't work, due to his lack of motivation, he'll throw in the towel and give up trying to enlarge himself.
So, the key is to get Motivated and, more importantly, to remain Motivated.
It's that simple of a concept, but its worth is priceless for any man who truly wants to make a difference in the size of his penis.
There are many ways to get and maintain motivation, and I'm sure you can come up with some of your own.
However, we'll outline a few penis enlargement motivational tips that should help you gain or regain the motivation that is the number one factor in whether you will get to the moon or not with your enlargement dreams.
1) Competition - Becoming competitive is easier for some men that others, we all know that.
However, what we need to do is instill a sense of competitiveness within yourself to help drive you to reach those enlargement goals.
Make it a challenge.
Compete against yourself.
"Okay, big guy, you're always talking about how smart and talented you are, so, prove it to me, let's see you enlarge your penis.
" Competition with others, "If that bozo on the message boards can enlarge his penis by two inches, by God, I should be able to enlarge mine by four inches!" Competition against the competition, "Man, that Paul has all the chicks and I've heard they dig him because he has a big penis.
Heck, I'll show him who has a big penis!" Use creative competition with yourself or anyone or anything you can imagine to prove to yourself that you can Be Number One.
2) Structuring Your Goals for Easier Attainment - One turning point for men, when they set out to enlarge their penis, is that once they finally see that they are getting results, then this form of motivation will supercharge a man and get him even more excited to enlarge his penis.
One way to make these attainments more tangible is to do your research before you start to enlarge yourself and find a method of enlargement that actually works.
Extenders and Penis Exercises are two methods that do work and will give you results, and a little bit of research should convince yourself of this, as well.
So, start off with a product or method that actually will work.
You should have your goals regarding how big you want to get in a given time frame.
Let's say a three inch increase in length in three months.
Now, break down your three-inch goal into subsizes and submeasurements.
For example, instead of going after that three-inch target, subsidize your size into one-half inch gains every two weeks.
Restructuring your goals in this format will help ensure that you are seeing some results that will keep you going strong until you reach that size that you are truly after.
3) Supportive Measures - No man is an island and one of the best ways to continue to be motivated is to hang out with people who are interested in what you are doing.
Visit forums and message boards where people are discussing penis enlargement.
However, and this IS VERY IMPORTANT.
If you come across people who are negative, depressed, or don't seem to have a life so they spend it complaining about penis enlargement that doesn't work, do not read this type of information or get sucked into it.
The fastest way to lose your motivation is to read some guy's sob story about how he spent thousands of dollars on enlargement pills and didn't see any results.
These people are poison and will suck the motivation out of you faster than you can say, "I want a bigger penis.
" Stick with positive individuals who know what they are talking about.
Let the naysayers get off on their own misery.
4) Get Angry and Get An Attitude - Nothing motivates a guy more than when he is irritated about something.
Nothing will get a guy into action mode more than if he has this form of intense emotion driving his reaction.
So, get an attitude and get mad.
Don't get angry at your penis or what you want to accomplish, though.
Don't invite negativity like that to your penis or beat yourself up in order to get energized.
Instead, find other methods to get your blood boiling.
For instance, maybe if you have a bad experience because of your penis size and it hurt your feelings.
Then, turn this around and use it as a motivating factor where you can say, "By God! I'm never going to let that happen to me again!" This is great, as it will keep you motivated as long as you can maintain your intensity of feeling.
5) The Prize - What is in that pot at the end of the rainbow? Well, for the man interested in enlargement it's a bigger penis.
This brings with it more self-confidence, self-value, and self-esteem -- Priceless gifts that are very hard to truly obtain, for any person, in life.
Your bigger penis will quite very likely improve your sexual life and performance.
What about confidence with women and the ability to please women? The list is endless regarding the rewards that enlarging your penis can and will bring into your life.
Make a list of how your life WILL CHANGE for the better when you enlarge yourself and focus on this list every day.
Add to the list every time you think of a new positive factor that your increased size will bring into your future life.
Again, remaining motivated is the biggest factor between men who do and men who don't.
If you want a bigger penis, then take motivation seriously, you'll be surprised by the results.
Georg von Neumann