How to Use Latex Pan Covers on Traps
- 1). Dig a hollow bed for the trap to lie in at the trap set. Make the hollow bed one inch wider all around than the set trap and deep enough so the top of the set trap is a half-inch below the level of the surrounding ground.
- 2). Place the trap in the hollow bed so it lies solid and does not rock. Lift the free jaw that is not held down by the trigger and slip the trap cover under the upright jaw so the side with the split goes toward the trigger.
- 3). Lay the cover over the trap pan and push the split around the trap part the trigger is attached to. Tuck each side of the cover under the jaw on each side of the trigger so it protrudes past the trap jaw.
- 4). Smooth the remainder of the cover over the pan and bring the end out to its full length. Bring the free jaw down over the trap cover and push the trap down so it locks the cover in place over the inside of the trap and under the jaws. Sift dirt over the covered trap.
- 5). Cover the entire trap with the latex cover. This is accomplished by laying the cover over the trap and tucking the edges completely around and under the trap. Sift dirt over the covered trap.