Saving Your Fiction With Believable Characters
If you're writing a work of fiction, it bears to remember one very important thing: your characters can pull you out of anything.
What do you think drives fiction writing? Heavy plots? Impeccable style? While there's latent value in both, neither can salvage a piece of fiction like flesh and blood personalities.
You can write an entire novel with a shallow plot and still keep readers interested if your characters are compelling.
Plots can be thin, weak and not-so-fresh.
In fact, majority of stories are clad this way.
However, if you properly build your protagonists and supporting cast, turning them into individuals that the reader can "feel" for, you're on a good way.
Short on the technical aspects of stylish writing? No problem.
Believable characters with worldly traits and realistic motivations can get over the least technical prose.
If you can gain the reader's sympathy with characters that people can identify with, you've got half the job done.
Needless to say that with fiction, creating strong characters is key.
Sure, you need to write decent prose (use the help of a fiction writing software), have a valid conflict to drive your plot and create a realistic environment in your reader's mind.
However, you can be weak in all those areas and still produce a decent read with good characters.
Focus on that.
The rest can be worked on later.
Sometimes, it is a bit risky to be in fiction writing and how to make each of your characters believable in the eyes of your readers.
To make it more reliable, put yourself on your character's shoes and write down how they are going to play an important role in your story.
What do you think drives fiction writing? Heavy plots? Impeccable style? While there's latent value in both, neither can salvage a piece of fiction like flesh and blood personalities.
You can write an entire novel with a shallow plot and still keep readers interested if your characters are compelling.
Plots can be thin, weak and not-so-fresh.
In fact, majority of stories are clad this way.
However, if you properly build your protagonists and supporting cast, turning them into individuals that the reader can "feel" for, you're on a good way.
Short on the technical aspects of stylish writing? No problem.
Believable characters with worldly traits and realistic motivations can get over the least technical prose.
If you can gain the reader's sympathy with characters that people can identify with, you've got half the job done.
Needless to say that with fiction, creating strong characters is key.
Sure, you need to write decent prose (use the help of a fiction writing software), have a valid conflict to drive your plot and create a realistic environment in your reader's mind.
However, you can be weak in all those areas and still produce a decent read with good characters.
Focus on that.
The rest can be worked on later.
Sometimes, it is a bit risky to be in fiction writing and how to make each of your characters believable in the eyes of your readers.
To make it more reliable, put yourself on your character's shoes and write down how they are going to play an important role in your story.