Anterolateral Shoulder Dislocation Exercises
- According to Scott Orthopedic, internal and external rotation exercises are the main focus for the initial rehabilitative process. Exercises will include placing the patient's arm and elbow along the side of the body and bent at a 90-degree angle. Patients will then be advised to rotate the forearm forward and backward to help promote increased motion within the shoulder capsule. Additional common exercises include shoulder shrugs, adduction and abduction lifting of the affected arm, and forearm/biceps-strengthening movements in an effort to increase joint stability. Minimal weights may be implemented at this stage dependant upon the severity of the dislocation.
- As a patient showcases increased dexterity and motion within the shoulder, more complex exercises involving isokinetic strengthening will be introduced and can include weights ranging from 5 to 10 pounds. Stretching movements will also be introduced to the treatment plan in an effort to further increase range of motion and to minimize inflammation. According to Scott Orthopedic, total body conditioning will be the main focus in order to maintain and promote strength and endurance. Push-ups and additional weight-bearing exercises may also be recommended to advanced patients.
- Patients will now focus on more skill movements, including throwing motions with the affected shoulder. Advanced exercises like military presses, chin-ups, and advanced isokinetic strengthening will be introduced. Most exercises should be started with the arm in a minimum of 80- degrees abduction (holding the arm to the side and parallel to the floor) with minimal discomfort.
According to Scott Orthopedic, therapeutic stretching will emphasize the eccentric phase in strengthening the rotator cuff. Total body conditioning will remain a focus for the patient, often including a home exercise program administered by the supervising physical therapist at the time of treatment discharge.
Beginning Exercises
Intermediate Exercises
Advanced Exercises