Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is considered to be the most physically difficult phase in the life of a woman, as she carries another life inside her womb for nine/ten months. So she needs to be extra careful, both physically and mental during this period, to ensure the proper health of her baby.
Importance of exercise during pregnancy: In earlier days, the pregnant women were advised to do less vigorous works and stop doing any kind of physical exercises during this gestation period. But now the concept has changed and we know that the expecting mother should be involved in certain fitness regime, for the better health of both the mother and the baby. But it is necessary to consult an expert gynecologist before choosing the best exercises during pregnancy.
The several benefits of exercise during gestation period -
Eliminate the fatigue: Mostly the pregnant women feel very tired and keep resting the whole day. But the habit of exercising regularly is the best answer to this problem.
Ensure sound sleep: Usually pregnant women often experience disturbed sleep or some may suffer from insomnia too. But the body release good hormones on exercising regularly and thus helps the would-be mother to sleep soundly at night.
Stop increase in body weight: Normally the body weight starts increasing during pregnancy, but excessive increase may be dangerous during the delivery of the baby. The physical fitness regime helps in keeping the body weight perfectly in control.
Decrease the back-pain: During the later stage of pregnancy, most of the women experience a severe back-pain which can be reduced by regular exercises like stretching, from the beginning of this period.
Prevent digestive irregularities: Often pregnant women complain of the problem of gas and constipation, which may also affect the health of the unborn babies.
Cure the headache caused due to pregnancy: Many pregnant women suffer from regular headaches, which can only be relieved by exercising regularly, as medicines are not too much prescribed by doctors during this time.
Can check gestational diabetes: Quite a number of pregnant women get affected by gestational diabetes which may be dangerous for their health and also of their babies. But regular exercise considerably lowers the level of glucose in their blood.
Take care of the mood swings: Most of the pregnant women become very moody during this period, mainly due to the changes within their body. But the practice of daily exercise eliminates all these psychological problems of the expecting mothers.
Bring body back to shape: Normally the body of a new mother becomes disfigured from its original slim appearance. But the regular habit exercising during pregnancy helps in regaining the body shape very easily.
Baby's health is better: It is seen that pregnant women who exercise regularly, can deliver healthier babies than others. The babies are born with much more body weight, due to the better health of their mothers.
Baby gets better mental health: The babies of exercising mothers are born with more developed brains, due to better blood circulation and absorption of nutritious foods in their mothers' bodies.
But generally the expecting mothers are given suitable light exercises like brisk walking or simple stretching, as well as some breathing exercises to gain overall fitness of themselves and their babies.
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Importance of exercise during pregnancy: In earlier days, the pregnant women were advised to do less vigorous works and stop doing any kind of physical exercises during this gestation period. But now the concept has changed and we know that the expecting mother should be involved in certain fitness regime, for the better health of both the mother and the baby. But it is necessary to consult an expert gynecologist before choosing the best exercises during pregnancy.
The several benefits of exercise during gestation period -
Eliminate the fatigue: Mostly the pregnant women feel very tired and keep resting the whole day. But the habit of exercising regularly is the best answer to this problem.
Ensure sound sleep: Usually pregnant women often experience disturbed sleep or some may suffer from insomnia too. But the body release good hormones on exercising regularly and thus helps the would-be mother to sleep soundly at night.
Stop increase in body weight: Normally the body weight starts increasing during pregnancy, but excessive increase may be dangerous during the delivery of the baby. The physical fitness regime helps in keeping the body weight perfectly in control.
Decrease the back-pain: During the later stage of pregnancy, most of the women experience a severe back-pain which can be reduced by regular exercises like stretching, from the beginning of this period.
Prevent digestive irregularities: Often pregnant women complain of the problem of gas and constipation, which may also affect the health of the unborn babies.
Cure the headache caused due to pregnancy: Many pregnant women suffer from regular headaches, which can only be relieved by exercising regularly, as medicines are not too much prescribed by doctors during this time.
Can check gestational diabetes: Quite a number of pregnant women get affected by gestational diabetes which may be dangerous for their health and also of their babies. But regular exercise considerably lowers the level of glucose in their blood.
Take care of the mood swings: Most of the pregnant women become very moody during this period, mainly due to the changes within their body. But the practice of daily exercise eliminates all these psychological problems of the expecting mothers.
Bring body back to shape: Normally the body of a new mother becomes disfigured from its original slim appearance. But the regular habit exercising during pregnancy helps in regaining the body shape very easily.
Baby's health is better: It is seen that pregnant women who exercise regularly, can deliver healthier babies than others. The babies are born with much more body weight, due to the better health of their mothers.
Baby gets better mental health: The babies of exercising mothers are born with more developed brains, due to better blood circulation and absorption of nutritious foods in their mothers' bodies.
But generally the expecting mothers are given suitable light exercises like brisk walking or simple stretching, as well as some breathing exercises to gain overall fitness of themselves and their babies.
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