Monty Chadha on Malnutrition, "A Curse"
Every child has the right of being physical fit and mentally active. Intake of food in humans can help in forming energies, which are necessary to perform daily tasks. With challenging life schedules or mere living conditions, children are facing the ill effects of malnutrition. Many developing countries do face shortage of food or disorganised food supply patterns. In various Asian countries Malnutrition is seen in the children's under the age of 5 years says Monty Chadha.
When malnutrition persists amongst children?
1) Inadequate proportion of enough food supply due to poor living conditions.
2) Lack of consuming nutritious and vitamin enriched foods.
Effects of malnutrition on the body
• Lack of systematic digestion
• Causing nausea in the some cases
• Failing the desired growth amongst the child
• Lack of immunity resulting in prolonged illness or often endangering being infected through air borne diseases.
• Leads in stress
• Low grasping power
• Constant weight reduction
• If the malnutrition persists for the longer period there are chances of getting affected mentally or physically, if the problem persists for a longer frame of time uneven death can occur.
Monty Chadha on ways to overcome the problems of malnutrition
1) Serving the underprivileged- A wonderful opportunity and biggest charity for every human being is saving the little angels of the earth. An innocent child may not understand the meaning of poverty, only the quantum solutions by trusted reliable N.G.Os or government charity organisation can bring inspirations to lead life, happy thus giving him adequate meal, devoting little affections the work can be done by all responsible citizens of the developing countries.
2) Awareness for the proper proportion and vitamin enriched food to the parents especially to the weaker sections should be given and inculcated to get rid of such deadly diseases.
3) Intake of breast feeding in the early growth years to be given to the child.
4) With many charity organisations and government N.G.O the meals offered in the school should be clean, hygienic and possess the essential nutrients and vitamins quality.
Various data states that the proportionate quantity of nutrition and vitamins intake is essential the over intake of nutrition can cause harm to the body. Opting for seasonal foods is best way to get nutrition and essential vitamins. Consulting paediatrician or nutritionist is advisable for seeking quantum solutions and getting faster improvement on child's health.
A balanced diet with tender affection would help the child contained with mental well being and effective physiological growth.
When malnutrition persists amongst children?
1) Inadequate proportion of enough food supply due to poor living conditions.
2) Lack of consuming nutritious and vitamin enriched foods.
Effects of malnutrition on the body
• Lack of systematic digestion
• Causing nausea in the some cases
• Failing the desired growth amongst the child
• Lack of immunity resulting in prolonged illness or often endangering being infected through air borne diseases.
• Leads in stress
• Low grasping power
• Constant weight reduction
• If the malnutrition persists for the longer period there are chances of getting affected mentally or physically, if the problem persists for a longer frame of time uneven death can occur.
Monty Chadha on ways to overcome the problems of malnutrition
1) Serving the underprivileged- A wonderful opportunity and biggest charity for every human being is saving the little angels of the earth. An innocent child may not understand the meaning of poverty, only the quantum solutions by trusted reliable N.G.Os or government charity organisation can bring inspirations to lead life, happy thus giving him adequate meal, devoting little affections the work can be done by all responsible citizens of the developing countries.
2) Awareness for the proper proportion and vitamin enriched food to the parents especially to the weaker sections should be given and inculcated to get rid of such deadly diseases.
3) Intake of breast feeding in the early growth years to be given to the child.
4) With many charity organisations and government N.G.O the meals offered in the school should be clean, hygienic and possess the essential nutrients and vitamins quality.
Various data states that the proportionate quantity of nutrition and vitamins intake is essential the over intake of nutrition can cause harm to the body. Opting for seasonal foods is best way to get nutrition and essential vitamins. Consulting paediatrician or nutritionist is advisable for seeking quantum solutions and getting faster improvement on child's health.
A balanced diet with tender affection would help the child contained with mental well being and effective physiological growth.