Am I the Only Gay Conservative Christian?
Question: Am I the Only Gay Conservative Christian?
While much of the GLBT community subscribes to liberal views, there are plenty who don't. One gay conservative Christian teen, wonders if any other gay teens share his views.
Kryten, a 15-year-old who describes his style as "English Urbanite" and is into old shows like Dr. Who, and music ranging from Bach to The Flaming Lips writes to the forum:
"I feel that I must be the only gay teen in the world that has the odd combination of being a die hard Republican, a conservative and a Christian. I know that a lot of Christian and Republican beliefs go against gays, but I don't think these anti-homosexual beliefs are the biggest part of being Christian or conservative. Is there any one else that thinks the same way?"
There definitely are people who feel the same way! There are even conservative political organizations dedicated to GLBT issues. One of the best known is The Log Cabin Republicans. Founded in the 1970's, this group describes itself as "the nation's only organization of Republicans who support fairness, freedom, and equality for gay and lesbian Americans." Another group, the controversial GoProud, recently made the news when, Ann Coulter, a conservative pundit, who has supported things like bans on gay marriage and gays in the military, was named an honorary chair for the group's advisory council.
Plus, there are plenty of gay Christians, Muslims, Jews and members of other faiths, who feel strongly connected to their religious beliefs.
There are also teens who identify both as gay and as conservative Christians. As Aksroa, a gay 14-year-old says:
"I consider myself a Republican, however a liberal one. Yes, that may seem as though it were an oxymoron. I mean I have liberal social views, with a Republican/conservative political view. Like, all people are equal, no matter any circumstance at all. However, the government should butt out of the majority of the public's issues. Confusing, yes, but it works in my mind."
16-year-old Nick, who is still figuring out if he is gay or bisexual explains that he has both conservative leaning politics and traditional religious beliefs:
"Both of my parents and my brother are Republicans. I would consider myself more independent than anything else. I'm Methodist, and I stand by it. I completely believe the Bible, but I don't think that they got some things right, mainly homosexuality. People always say that God hates gays but according to the Christian religion, God loves everyone. So where's that thought process coming from? Even my Jesus-freak dad and stepmom said that just because you're gay doesn't mean you aren't able to get into heaven."
It can be tough to reconcile your conservative religious and political views with being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. Often these views shift over time, but whether or not this is the case, it is good to know that there are others who share your beliefs.