Outdoor Enclosures for Cats
- Although a large dog cage can double as an outdoor cat enclosure, your cats will get more enjoyment from an enclosure that provides enough space to run and climb.
- Both male and female cats spray to mark their territory when stressed, even if they're neutered. An outdoor enclosure lets cats mark their territory outside, so they don't feel the need to spray indoors.
- Even the most sedentary cats can't resist the urge to chase bugs wandering in the grass or flying through the wire mesh of their outdoor enclosure.
- The ever-changing environment of an outdoor enclosure relieves the boredom that can lead to overeating and stress-related health problems in strictly indoor cats.
- Spending time in the unfiltered sunlight and changing temperatures of an outdoor enclosure helps cats' coats maintain a normal shedding cycle and reduces seasonal shedding indoors.
- If your yard is fenced, putting a containment system (see Resources) on the fence will keep your cats safely in your yard.
More Than a Cage
Solution for Spraying Cats
Exercise for Sedentary Cats
Relieves Boredom
Reduces Shedding
Fence Containment Systems