How to Write or Spell My Name in Chinese
- 1). One way to find out how to write or spell my name in Chinese is to check a list of popular English to Chinese names. These English to Chinese names list often have names in Chinese symbols. Links to English to Chinese names lists are listed below under Resources.
- 2). Using a Chinese Name Translation Tool is an easy way to find out how to write or spell my name in Chinese. Click on the link under Resources below -- Get a Chinese Name. This will allow you to create a traditional Chinese name with 3 Chinese characters.
- 3). Google has great language and translation tools. Use one of these tools to translate English to Chinese names. This will help to write or spell my name in Chinese. Click on the Google Language Tool or Google Translate Text Tool below under resources.
- 4). After finding your English to Chinese name translation, copy it down and practice writing it using the Chinese Symbols for your Chinese name.