Faire Cadeau, Ne Pas Faire De Cadeau - French Expressions
We have several expressions using the word "un cadeau" - a gift - some are pretty obscure.
Faire Cadeau (de quelque chose à quelqu'un ) - To give something to someone as a gift
This construction is a bit weird, but very used in French.
Elle m'a fait cadeau d'une voiture. She gave me a car (as a gift)
You could also use the irregular verb "offrir" here, which is to give as a gift.
Elle m'a offert une voiture. She gave me a car (as a gift)
Ce n'est pas un cadeau (idiom) = it was not/wouldn't make a good gift
We use this expression to say the thing/person you are describing is not something positive for you. Kind of you won't wish it on anybody.
Ta soeur, c'est vraiment pas un cadeau !
Your sister (is so... dull for example that) it's not a gift (to impose her company on anyone).
Un cadeau Empoisoné - a poisoned chalice
We also use the expression: "un cadeau empoisoné" - lit. a poisoned gift. In English, a poisoned chalice.
Cette voiture, c'était un cadeau empoisoné - elle tombait toujours en panne.
This car was a poisoned chalice - it was always breaking down.
Ne Pas Faire de Cadeau (à quelqu'un) - to be tough on someone
Literally, this means to not give any gift to someone. So, to be tough on someone, to not let them off easily.
Mon prof de français ne fait pas de cadeau - My French teacher is tough.
Faire cadeau (à quelqu'un) des détails - to spare someone the details
We also say "passer les détails" - to pass the details.
Cette fille a dit des horreurs sur moi - enfin, je te fais cadeau de détails.
This girl said terrible things on my account - well, I'll spare you the details.
You will find many more French expressions and idioms clearly explained by following this link.
As well as more French expressions with faire.
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