Grant Writing Certification Training
- The American Association of Grant Professionals (AAGP) established a certification to promote the profession and set standards. Obtaining the accreditation begins with the application process. Grant writers qualify by providing documentation to meet prerequisites in four areas: education; experience; professional development; and community involvement. If all four prerequisites are met, the writer can take the certification exam. Individuals who pass earn the Grant Professional Certified (GPC) designation. The GPC is a professional certification, not an acknowledgement of course completion.
- The AAGP established a point system to set professional standards. Grant writers qualify for certification testing by obtaining a minimum of 120 points based on the four core areas of the application. Both education and professional development have a 40 point maximum. An associate degree earns 20 points, and having a bachelor's degree will provide 40 points. Attending a one-day professional seminar earns 10 points. Applicants can gain up to 20 points for community involvement; each activity is weighted at 10 points. Experience is the most heavily weighted of the four. Points are tallied based on years worked and grants written. Up to 70 points can be earned based on work history. According to the AAGP, the point system does not discriminate against grant writers who do not hold a degree.
- The GPC is valid for three years. Writers can pass recertification requirements in one of two ways. Professionals may elect to retake the exam, or meet continuing maintenance guidelines. Members are expected to earn a minimum of 105 points by continued work in the field, additional education, participating in professional organizations, teaching and publishing articles. Additionally, there is a recertification fee, which, as of 2010, is $180 for AAGP members and $305 for non-members.
- The Association for Fundraising Professionals (AFP) is an international group with a current membership of approximately 30,000. Headquartered in Arlington, Va., the association promotes professional development by offering educational programs and sponsoring international conferences. The AFP sponsors two certification programs. Members take the examination to earn a designation as a certified fund raising executive. A second, more advanced, certification exists for writers who have at least 10 years of field experience. Additionally, seasoned grant writers must meet continuing education and senior management leadership requirements.
- Although neither the AAGP nor the AFP specifically mandate a bachelor's degree for certification, individuals interested in pursuing a career in this industry should obtain some form of formal training. Courses in grant writing can be found at many colleges and universities. As of 2010, Emory University in Atlanta, Ga., offers a five course certificate program. The fifth class, a grant writing capstone course, can be done online.
National Certification
Certification Requirements
International Certifications