Five Intellectual Benefits of Islam
Islam inspires its followers to achieve intellectual greatness, and I have witnessed this in action with my Muslim friends' practical intellectual goals.
For example, my Cheapskate Mate has taught his eight month old daughter to play Checkers, and has somehow convinced his nine year old that reading a book is a better treat than watching TV.
This article shall therefore describe five ways in which Islam inspires greatness in mankind.
1 - Islam Commands Followers to Seek Knowledge Muhammad is quoted as saying: "Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every believer.
" [Ibn Majah] So this means that all Muslims are required to educate themselves.
Womens' Rights supporters will be particularly pleased to note that this command includes females, and that Islam therefore gives men and women the same rights and obligation with regards to education.
2 - Followers are Inspired To Achieve Great Feats of Memory In Islam, a Hafiz is a person who has memorised the whole of the Quran.
This is clearly a great feat of the mind, even more impressive than London taxi drivers' mythological ability to memorise every street in London.
While the Quran does not appear to command all followers to memorise this, young Muslim men often challenge themselves to achieve Hafiz status, as it helps them to stand out from the crowd and attract females.
3 - Muslims Have A Great History of Scientific Development While Europe was in the dark ages, Muslims scientists were making groundbreaking development.
From my secondary school history lessons, I recall seeing images depicting ancient Muslims performing eye and brain surgery.
Ironically, it was Muslims who first pioneered the distillation of pure alcohol as a compound in the 8th century.
Though quite when then banned it is subject to scholarly debate.
4 - Islam Even Has Wise Historical Females Ayshah, virgin wife of Muhammad, was a renowned wise woman.
Pilgrims travelled for many miles to hear her wise words, and she even narrated 2210 hadiths.
She was given the title "Horizon of the Ladies of Islam" and still continues to inspire Muslim women to better themselves today.
5 - Muslims Created Algebra It was the Islamic Law of Inheritance that provided the initial motivation for the development of algebra.
Algebra is an essential tool for modern living, essential for daily personal accounting as well as scientific research and computer programs.
Conclusion I have shown that Muslim inspires its followers to educate themselves through direct commands inspiration from its great historical figures.
In my personal life, I too have been inspired by many Muslims.
For example, it was a Muslim who taught me who to first conduct profitable arbitrage trades.
A Muslim taught me the benefits of little white lies in the work place.
And a Muslim help me develop the database queries used in on the Article Monkey analysis tool.
For example, my Cheapskate Mate has taught his eight month old daughter to play Checkers, and has somehow convinced his nine year old that reading a book is a better treat than watching TV.
This article shall therefore describe five ways in which Islam inspires greatness in mankind.
1 - Islam Commands Followers to Seek Knowledge Muhammad is quoted as saying: "Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every believer.
" [Ibn Majah] So this means that all Muslims are required to educate themselves.
Womens' Rights supporters will be particularly pleased to note that this command includes females, and that Islam therefore gives men and women the same rights and obligation with regards to education.
2 - Followers are Inspired To Achieve Great Feats of Memory In Islam, a Hafiz is a person who has memorised the whole of the Quran.
This is clearly a great feat of the mind, even more impressive than London taxi drivers' mythological ability to memorise every street in London.
While the Quran does not appear to command all followers to memorise this, young Muslim men often challenge themselves to achieve Hafiz status, as it helps them to stand out from the crowd and attract females.
3 - Muslims Have A Great History of Scientific Development While Europe was in the dark ages, Muslims scientists were making groundbreaking development.
From my secondary school history lessons, I recall seeing images depicting ancient Muslims performing eye and brain surgery.
Ironically, it was Muslims who first pioneered the distillation of pure alcohol as a compound in the 8th century.
Though quite when then banned it is subject to scholarly debate.
4 - Islam Even Has Wise Historical Females Ayshah, virgin wife of Muhammad, was a renowned wise woman.
Pilgrims travelled for many miles to hear her wise words, and she even narrated 2210 hadiths.
She was given the title "Horizon of the Ladies of Islam" and still continues to inspire Muslim women to better themselves today.
5 - Muslims Created Algebra It was the Islamic Law of Inheritance that provided the initial motivation for the development of algebra.
Algebra is an essential tool for modern living, essential for daily personal accounting as well as scientific research and computer programs.
Conclusion I have shown that Muslim inspires its followers to educate themselves through direct commands inspiration from its great historical figures.
In my personal life, I too have been inspired by many Muslims.
For example, it was a Muslim who taught me who to first conduct profitable arbitrage trades.
A Muslim taught me the benefits of little white lies in the work place.
And a Muslim help me develop the database queries used in on the Article Monkey analysis tool.