Signs of a Friendly & Welcoming Cat
- You can tell a lot about a cat by watching his tail. When a cat first sees you, one of the first indicators that will happen is that he will raise his tail, according to the Best Cat Art website. But the tail could be telling you one of two very different things. If the hair on the tail is standing straight out and the tail is rigid, the cat is angry. If the tail is waging in the air or moving quickly back and forth, the cat is happy to see you.
- Cats do not hide their feelings about anything, especially people they do not know. If you make eye contact with a cat for the first time, and the cat raises its head in a confident manner, then she is friendly. If the cat looks away from you or turns her head to one side, she is not interested in meeting you. If the cat lowers her head and slowly moves towards you, she is curious but the slightest sudden movement will send her running.
- If a cat is checking you out, he will sometimes place his paws on your lap. If you feel claws, the cat is in a defensive mode and could strike if you make any sudden movements. But a cat that places his paws on your shoulder in a hugging motion is welcoming you, according to the Know Your Cat website.
- A cat has what can be called the ultimate sign of acceptance, and that is rolling over on her and exposing her belly to you. Cats do not like to feel completely vulnerable unless they trust the company they are with. When the cat rolls on her back, she is showing you a strong sign of acceptance and is inviting you to pet her.
Eye Contact
Rolling Over