Care of a Hydroseed Lawn
- 1). Water your yard right away after hydroseeding. Water the lawn regularly to keep it moist until grass begins to sprout. Water the yard once a day from the time the grass sprouts until it reaches one inch tall. Water the lawn twice a week thereafter. Watering is most effective in the early morning or evening hours. Give the grass the equivalent of three inches of water with slow watering such as provided by a sprinkler.
- 2). Mow the grass when the tallest grass is close to four inches tall. Do not water the yard the day before you mow, or again until after the grass is cut.
- 3). Fertilize the grass approximately four to six weeks after the hydroseeding. The grass will begin to show signs of yellow tints when it is due to be fertilized. For the first fertilization, use an 8-32-16 labeled fertilizer for best results. Every six weeks or so, fertilize again with a fertilizer with balanced content, such as a 15-15-15 fertilizer.