The Advantages Of Urethane Molding Are Many
The most obvious advantage of urethane molding as opposed to wood is the fact that urethane does not dry and shrink or crack with age. It is a much more temperature and moisture change resistant material, but every bit as attractive as wood. In fact, once installed, there is visually no difference that can be detected between the two.
Add on pieces can be used to create a crown molding effect, with carved or plain pieces, depending on the look desired for the room in question. Other accessory pieces can be used to add interest or a dramatic effect. These can include:
. Inside corner pieces for a seamless joint at the corners.
. Coupling pieces can be used as extra support for long stretches of trim, or simply as accent pieces.
. Outside corner pieces for finishing up where there is an open doorway or space.
These pieces can be plain or carved to add interest. A grid-work ceiling can be put up with the carved corner pieces, making the room look professionally designed, for a fraction of the cost. With the lighter weight of urethane molding there is less stress on the walls or ceiling where it is attached. And the looks will endure throughout the years, since urethane is not prone to drying and cracking as it ages. Maintenance is low, and it can be painted to suit the dcor of the room.
More Advantages
Another advantage of urethane molding is that it can be recycled when replaced, and made into a variety of products, including more molding. Wood molding, however, when removed is not good for much outside of firewood for outdoor burning. Trees are not cut down to produce it, so technically it can be considered a green building alternative. More homeowners and even contractors are seeing the advantages of a product that has the look of real wood, yet is lighter and more durable, making it easier to work with.
Whether you decide on plain and elegant or intricately carved pieces, each style lends its own flair to reflect your personality in the room you are working on. Theyre easy to use as a do it yourself project and letting your creativity loose. You may choose to have urethane molding installed by professionals, however--since it is lighter and easy to work with, it should save you money on the installation costs.
No matter which option you decide on for the installation, urethane molding will give you years of low maintenance beauty for any room you use it in, and can be customized to meet your decorating needs. When combined with additional trim to make a crown molding effect, it really seems to pull a room together when a formal look is needed, such as for dining rooms or any room with high ceilings. Matching appliques to go over some of the other trim in the room can give it a truly finished look others will think you hired a designer to coordinate. These can also be painted to blend in or contrast as you choose.
Add on pieces can be used to create a crown molding effect, with carved or plain pieces, depending on the look desired for the room in question. Other accessory pieces can be used to add interest or a dramatic effect. These can include:
. Inside corner pieces for a seamless joint at the corners.
. Coupling pieces can be used as extra support for long stretches of trim, or simply as accent pieces.
. Outside corner pieces for finishing up where there is an open doorway or space.
These pieces can be plain or carved to add interest. A grid-work ceiling can be put up with the carved corner pieces, making the room look professionally designed, for a fraction of the cost. With the lighter weight of urethane molding there is less stress on the walls or ceiling where it is attached. And the looks will endure throughout the years, since urethane is not prone to drying and cracking as it ages. Maintenance is low, and it can be painted to suit the dcor of the room.
More Advantages
Another advantage of urethane molding is that it can be recycled when replaced, and made into a variety of products, including more molding. Wood molding, however, when removed is not good for much outside of firewood for outdoor burning. Trees are not cut down to produce it, so technically it can be considered a green building alternative. More homeowners and even contractors are seeing the advantages of a product that has the look of real wood, yet is lighter and more durable, making it easier to work with.
Whether you decide on plain and elegant or intricately carved pieces, each style lends its own flair to reflect your personality in the room you are working on. Theyre easy to use as a do it yourself project and letting your creativity loose. You may choose to have urethane molding installed by professionals, however--since it is lighter and easy to work with, it should save you money on the installation costs.
No matter which option you decide on for the installation, urethane molding will give you years of low maintenance beauty for any room you use it in, and can be customized to meet your decorating needs. When combined with additional trim to make a crown molding effect, it really seems to pull a room together when a formal look is needed, such as for dining rooms or any room with high ceilings. Matching appliques to go over some of the other trim in the room can give it a truly finished look others will think you hired a designer to coordinate. These can also be painted to blend in or contrast as you choose.