Simple Ways To Boost Energy
Ok - so we all want to boost energy so we can be more success leaders, parents, friends, and CEO's...
but most of us are under a lot of stress, which means that every organ, cell and system goes into a hyper-vigilant state, meaning it is basically 'on guard' at all times - and that can drastically reduce both your mental and physical energy level.
Normally, this response would only happen in short bursts, when the body perceives danger for example.
When stressed however, these systems are literally on 24-hour watch; specific chemicals and hormones are secreted in an attempt to help your body cope, readying your body to 'fight'.
Over time, this not only weakens the internal workings of the entire system allowing disease to develop and fat to accumulate on your body, but eventually, it wears out your body and your metabolism.
It's like revving your car while in park - 24-hours a day.
How long do you think the engine will last...
Not long! Today, I'd like to give you several tips to reduce stress and boost energy in your life - some of these tips you may already be familiar with, and some may be completely new to you - but no matter what, you should implement each of them into your life to protect yourself from the harmful effect of stress.
- Proper Diet: I have gone into great detail about diet in the Energy Factor television show found below, so I will only say here that eating live, whole foods (like vegetables) and drinking plenty of distilled water are essential to any anti-stress lifestyle.
- Exercise: Again, I have discussed the benefits of exercise in the Energy Factor as well, but it's worth noting here that exercise also serves to distract you from any stressful event that may be happening around you or in you life.
As well, when you're healthy and fit, any adverse effects you may experience as a result of stress will be less dangerous.
A fit and healthy body can handle these negative effects much easier than an unhealthy body.
So, when you feel yourself becoming stressed even if you just take a quick walk, you'll be doing your body a huge favor; it will also allow you to get away from the stress for a moment, often giving you a new perspective in the situation.
- Identify the Stressors in your Life: the old adage, "you can't fight what you can't see" applies here.
Start by identifying the major sources of stress in your life.
If you keep a daily journal, this is a great place to record the things during the day that trigger stress reactions.
For instance, the neighbor's dog went to the bathroom on your lawn again.
Record the event (the dog went to the bathroom on your lawn) and as well, the physical or mental reaction this had on you (you felt your blood pressure rising and your heart pounding etc.
Sometimes stress can result from a good source as well.
For instance, maybe you won an award at work and you had to make a speech in front of the entire office.
For some people this could be even more stressful than a negative event.
List these good stressors as well.
- Set Your Priorities: First, after about a week, go through your journal and review your entries.
Put them into two columns: those you have control over and those you don't.
Then, look at those stresses you do have control over.
Let's use the example of the neighbor's dog.
What could you do to remove this stress from your life? You could nicely talk to the neighbor and ask him to keep his dog out of your yard, but if this doesn't work, what else can you do? You could become more persistent with the neighbor, although this may in itself cause you (and him) more stress, or possibly, you could decide to put up a fence for instance.
It may seem a little drastic at first, but the end result is that you have removed the stressor and one less health risk to your body.
Now, let's look at those situations in which you do not have control.
Let's use the example of a nasty co-worker.
You may not have control over how he or she treats you, but you do have control over how you will react to that treatment.
You can get very angry or upset or you can ignore them or even try being nice back to them, whatever the case, it is your choice.
I am in no way advocating at this point that you allow people to bully you or treat you badly, what I am saying, is that how you choose to react inside is your choice.
If the things the co-worker is doing or saying are out-of line, then by all means take the appropriate actions, like reporting them, but do it without getting upset or stressed.
Your health needs to be the number one priority in your life.
Make time to do things for yourself.
Take extra long weekends if you can or vacations when possible.
Above all else, change your attitude about life and the stresses it invariably deals out.
Have fun and enjoy each day.
- Keep Positive: A positive attitude will not only boost energy and reduce the number of stressful situations you encounter in life, but it will go a long way to changing how you view these events.
Try the "glass is half full" attitude - always look for the positive in every situation you come across.
Everything in life truly does happen for a reason and if you can find a positive reason for these sometimes-stressful events, you will find you get through them much quicker and much easier.
- Use Relaxation techniques: Things like massage, deep breathing, meditation, biofeedback, yoga, Tai Chi or even power napping are great ways to combat stress and to shut off the "fat storing genes".
There are a variety of natural therapies available these days.
Find one that works for you and make it a regular part of your life.
You will quickly find that things that used to bother you in life simply don't matter as much anymore.
- Laugh a lot: I think this is so important that I have devoted an entire chapter to it in my newest book.
Laughter actually reduces the level of stress-related hormones in your body and when these hormones are reduced, your body begins to stop storing unnecessary fat and it begins burning any extra fat you currently have on your body.
A good sense of humor will take you a long way in life, and help you to look a lot better during that life.
Get the full Energy Factor now!
but most of us are under a lot of stress, which means that every organ, cell and system goes into a hyper-vigilant state, meaning it is basically 'on guard' at all times - and that can drastically reduce both your mental and physical energy level.
Normally, this response would only happen in short bursts, when the body perceives danger for example.
When stressed however, these systems are literally on 24-hour watch; specific chemicals and hormones are secreted in an attempt to help your body cope, readying your body to 'fight'.
Over time, this not only weakens the internal workings of the entire system allowing disease to develop and fat to accumulate on your body, but eventually, it wears out your body and your metabolism.
It's like revving your car while in park - 24-hours a day.
How long do you think the engine will last...
Not long! Today, I'd like to give you several tips to reduce stress and boost energy in your life - some of these tips you may already be familiar with, and some may be completely new to you - but no matter what, you should implement each of them into your life to protect yourself from the harmful effect of stress.
- Proper Diet: I have gone into great detail about diet in the Energy Factor television show found below, so I will only say here that eating live, whole foods (like vegetables) and drinking plenty of distilled water are essential to any anti-stress lifestyle.
- Exercise: Again, I have discussed the benefits of exercise in the Energy Factor as well, but it's worth noting here that exercise also serves to distract you from any stressful event that may be happening around you or in you life.
As well, when you're healthy and fit, any adverse effects you may experience as a result of stress will be less dangerous.
A fit and healthy body can handle these negative effects much easier than an unhealthy body.
So, when you feel yourself becoming stressed even if you just take a quick walk, you'll be doing your body a huge favor; it will also allow you to get away from the stress for a moment, often giving you a new perspective in the situation.
- Identify the Stressors in your Life: the old adage, "you can't fight what you can't see" applies here.
Start by identifying the major sources of stress in your life.
If you keep a daily journal, this is a great place to record the things during the day that trigger stress reactions.
For instance, the neighbor's dog went to the bathroom on your lawn again.
Record the event (the dog went to the bathroom on your lawn) and as well, the physical or mental reaction this had on you (you felt your blood pressure rising and your heart pounding etc.
Sometimes stress can result from a good source as well.
For instance, maybe you won an award at work and you had to make a speech in front of the entire office.
For some people this could be even more stressful than a negative event.
List these good stressors as well.
- Set Your Priorities: First, after about a week, go through your journal and review your entries.
Put them into two columns: those you have control over and those you don't.
Then, look at those stresses you do have control over.
Let's use the example of the neighbor's dog.
What could you do to remove this stress from your life? You could nicely talk to the neighbor and ask him to keep his dog out of your yard, but if this doesn't work, what else can you do? You could become more persistent with the neighbor, although this may in itself cause you (and him) more stress, or possibly, you could decide to put up a fence for instance.
It may seem a little drastic at first, but the end result is that you have removed the stressor and one less health risk to your body.
Now, let's look at those situations in which you do not have control.
Let's use the example of a nasty co-worker.
You may not have control over how he or she treats you, but you do have control over how you will react to that treatment.
You can get very angry or upset or you can ignore them or even try being nice back to them, whatever the case, it is your choice.
I am in no way advocating at this point that you allow people to bully you or treat you badly, what I am saying, is that how you choose to react inside is your choice.
If the things the co-worker is doing or saying are out-of line, then by all means take the appropriate actions, like reporting them, but do it without getting upset or stressed.
Your health needs to be the number one priority in your life.
Make time to do things for yourself.
Take extra long weekends if you can or vacations when possible.
Above all else, change your attitude about life and the stresses it invariably deals out.
Have fun and enjoy each day.
- Keep Positive: A positive attitude will not only boost energy and reduce the number of stressful situations you encounter in life, but it will go a long way to changing how you view these events.
Try the "glass is half full" attitude - always look for the positive in every situation you come across.
Everything in life truly does happen for a reason and if you can find a positive reason for these sometimes-stressful events, you will find you get through them much quicker and much easier.
- Use Relaxation techniques: Things like massage, deep breathing, meditation, biofeedback, yoga, Tai Chi or even power napping are great ways to combat stress and to shut off the "fat storing genes".
There are a variety of natural therapies available these days.
Find one that works for you and make it a regular part of your life.
You will quickly find that things that used to bother you in life simply don't matter as much anymore.
- Laugh a lot: I think this is so important that I have devoted an entire chapter to it in my newest book.
Laughter actually reduces the level of stress-related hormones in your body and when these hormones are reduced, your body begins to stop storing unnecessary fat and it begins burning any extra fat you currently have on your body.
A good sense of humor will take you a long way in life, and help you to look a lot better during that life.
Get the full Energy Factor now!