Funny Videos Kids Love and How To Make Them
Making videos can be lots of fun and is something that everyone can enjoy.
The hardest part of making a video is having the right equipment.
Well you are in luck because all you really need is a camcorder to record your onscreen antics.
The primary thing you must remember is that any video recording device will do.
There is no need to go out and purchase an expensive camcorder.
You can use your cellphone or dust off Mom or Dads old camcorder from the attic and you are in business.
The other must have item is an IMAGINATION! That's right you can come up with a new idea or borrow an idea and make it your own.
It may seem like a hard thing to do but many kids are making videos and making money all while having good clean fun here are some things to consider and the most important factor: Video Recording Device This device can be a cellphone with video recording capabilities.
You can also use an old camcorder or a flip camera.
Many digital cameras have video recorders built-in and are a great tool you can use to get started.
You can also borrow a video recorder and give it back when you are done.
Plot The great thing about making these videos is that you can just hit record on the camera and go.
Some of the funniest videos I have seen are made on the fly just letting the video capture video and then something funny happens.
The other way to make a video takes more time but really takes the fun to a whole other level.
Ideas for these types of videos are everywhere.
Many times you can just spoof an existing movie, artist or famous movie character and add your own twist and create a funny video.
Some of the best ways to get started making theses videos is by picking your favorite song and dancing to it.
The best thing is that you and your friends can participate.
Props Props in a video is a great way to spice up the short clip.
You can use everyday household items.
I find that dressing up in my parents clothes is so much fun.
Wigs are a great way to create characters and put a smile on peoples faces.
You can go to a costume store or your neighborhood pharmacy to find inexpensive props to add to your video.
I find that wearing silly glasses with colored lenses are great.
I also recommend putting on your Halloween costume or mask to make your video more realistic.
Actors This is where you can really shine.
You can become "famous" by starring in your own homemade video.
You can be the main character in your video.
I find that it can also be fun to include your friends and family to act in the video.
Now I know that some of us would rather be behind the scenes and that is perfectly fine.
I have made multiple videos where I was behind the scenes putting the whole show together and I have someone else in the actual video.
I prefer to be behind the scenes controlling the way the final product comes out.
Showcase Now that you have recorded your video it's time to show it off.
This is the best part when all your hard work comes to life and you get to let others see.
Some kids only make videos for their family and friends.
You can just plug your camcorder to the TV.
I like making videos and posting them on my website.
Also if you don't have a website you can just post the video on one of the many video sites out there like YouTube.
You never know your video can go viral and you really can become internet famous and the best part is you had fun doing it.
So what are you waiting for? Go out there and have fun.
Create videos and use the tricks and tips I have given you here to put smiles on peoples faces especially yours!
The hardest part of making a video is having the right equipment.
Well you are in luck because all you really need is a camcorder to record your onscreen antics.
The primary thing you must remember is that any video recording device will do.
There is no need to go out and purchase an expensive camcorder.
You can use your cellphone or dust off Mom or Dads old camcorder from the attic and you are in business.
The other must have item is an IMAGINATION! That's right you can come up with a new idea or borrow an idea and make it your own.
It may seem like a hard thing to do but many kids are making videos and making money all while having good clean fun here are some things to consider and the most important factor: Video Recording Device This device can be a cellphone with video recording capabilities.
You can also use an old camcorder or a flip camera.
Many digital cameras have video recorders built-in and are a great tool you can use to get started.
You can also borrow a video recorder and give it back when you are done.
Plot The great thing about making these videos is that you can just hit record on the camera and go.
Some of the funniest videos I have seen are made on the fly just letting the video capture video and then something funny happens.
The other way to make a video takes more time but really takes the fun to a whole other level.
Ideas for these types of videos are everywhere.
Many times you can just spoof an existing movie, artist or famous movie character and add your own twist and create a funny video.
Some of the best ways to get started making theses videos is by picking your favorite song and dancing to it.
The best thing is that you and your friends can participate.
Props Props in a video is a great way to spice up the short clip.
You can use everyday household items.
I find that dressing up in my parents clothes is so much fun.
Wigs are a great way to create characters and put a smile on peoples faces.
You can go to a costume store or your neighborhood pharmacy to find inexpensive props to add to your video.
I find that wearing silly glasses with colored lenses are great.
I also recommend putting on your Halloween costume or mask to make your video more realistic.
Actors This is where you can really shine.
You can become "famous" by starring in your own homemade video.
You can be the main character in your video.
I find that it can also be fun to include your friends and family to act in the video.
Now I know that some of us would rather be behind the scenes and that is perfectly fine.
I have made multiple videos where I was behind the scenes putting the whole show together and I have someone else in the actual video.
I prefer to be behind the scenes controlling the way the final product comes out.
Showcase Now that you have recorded your video it's time to show it off.
This is the best part when all your hard work comes to life and you get to let others see.
Some kids only make videos for their family and friends.
You can just plug your camcorder to the TV.
I like making videos and posting them on my website.
Also if you don't have a website you can just post the video on one of the many video sites out there like YouTube.
You never know your video can go viral and you really can become internet famous and the best part is you had fun doing it.
So what are you waiting for? Go out there and have fun.
Create videos and use the tricks and tips I have given you here to put smiles on peoples faces especially yours!